Retry filter for httplease
Provides two different retry mechanisms, backoff and failover retrying as an httplease filter.
Failover retry filter retries requests with optional fallback to alternate servers. Backoff retry filter will retry against the same server until the retryTimeout limit has been reached. By default it will retry if 429s and 503s are received, but this logic can be changed by specifying 'shouldRetryFn'.
Usage guide
Install the library:
npm install --save httplease-retry
For more examples have a look at the test/integration
Example - Failover retry
const httplease = require('httplease');
const httpleaseRetry = require('httplease-retry');
const retryConfig = {
shouldRetryFn: ({
error, // The error from httplease
attempts, // Number of attempts
requestConfig, // httplease requestConfig
}) => true,
maxAttempts: 2,
retryDelayMillis: 50,
baseUrlList: [
// this can be saved and reused as many times as you want
const httpClient = httplease.builder()
// make a request
Example - Backoff retry
const httplease = require('httplease');
const httpleaseRetry = require('httplease-retry');
const retryConfig = {
retryTimeoutMillis: 10 * 1000 //Retries for a maximum of 10 seconds after the Request started
shouldRetryFn: ({
error, // The error from httplease
attempts, // Number of attempts
requestConfig, // httplease requestConfig
startTimestamp // The timestamp the when the request started
}) = attempts > 5 // Example to stop retrying after 5 attempts
// this can be saved and reused as many times as you want
const httpClient = httplease.builder()
// make a request
Development guide
Install dependencies
npm install
Useful commands
# Run all checks
npm test
# Run just the jasmine tests
npm run test:jasmine
# Run just the linter
npm run test:lint
Perform a release
npm version 99.98.97
npm publish
git push
git push --tags
Pull requests, issues and comments welcome. For pull requests:
- Add tests for new features and bug fixes
- Follow the existing style
- Separate unrelated changes into multiple pull requests
See the existing issues for things to start contributing.
For bigger changes, make sure you start a discussion first by creating an issue and explaining the intended change.
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