ASAP authentication filter for httplease
This is an implementation of ASAP S2S Authentication as an httplease filter.
Usage guide
Install the library:
npm install --save httplease-asap
For more examples have a look at the test/integration
Simple request
const httplease = require('httplease');
const httpleaseAsap = require('httplease-asap');
const jwtConfig = {
privateKey: 'private key in pem format',
issuer: 'an-issuer',
keyId: 'the-keyid',
audience: 'an-audience'
// this can be saved and reused as many times as you want
const httpClient = httplease.builder()
// make a request
jwtConfig from data URI
const httpleaseAsap = require('httplease-asap');
const dataUri = 'data:application/pkcs8;kid=an-issuer%2Fthe-keyid;base64,private key in base64 DER format';
const jwtConfig = Object.assign({
issuer: 'an-issuer',
audience: 'an-audience'
}, httpleaseAsap.parseDataUri(dataUri));
Just generate an auth header
The same jwtConfig
format can be used to create a httplease filter or just a function which when called returns an authorization header.
const httpleaseAsap = require('httplease-asap');
const jwtConfig = {
privateKey: 'private key in pem format',
issuer: 'an-issuer',
keyId: 'the-keyid',
audience: 'an-audience',
tokenExpiryMs: 10 * 60 * 1000, // Optional, max is 1 hour. This is how long the generated token stays valid.
tokenMaxAgeMs: 9 * 60 * 1000 // Optional, must be less than tokenExpiryMs. How long to cache the token.
const authHeaderGenerator = httpleaseAsap.createAuthHeaderGenerator(jwtConfig);
const authHeader = authHeaderGenerator();
console.log(authHeader); // Bearer abcd1234
Additional claims
Just add them to your jwtConfig
and use them with either createJwtAuthFilter
or createAuthHeaderGenerator
const jwtConfig = {
// the usual stuff
additionalClaims: {
myCustomClaim: 'hello world'
Development guide
Install dependencies
npm install
Useful commands
# Run all checks
npm test
# Run just the jasmine tests
npm run test:jasmine
# Run just the linter
npm run test:lint
Perform a release
npm version 99.98.97
npm publish
git push
git push --tags
Pull requests, issues and comments welcome. For pull requests:
- Add tests for new features and bug fixes
- Follow the existing style
- Separate unrelated changes into multiple pull requests
See the existing issues for things to start contributing.
For bigger changes, make sure you start a discussion first by creating an issue and explaining the intended change.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Atlassian and others. Apache 2.0 licensed, see LICENSE file.