HTTP Decision Diagram
An activity diagram to describe the resolution of HTTP response status codes, given various headers, implemented via semantical callbacks.
This is part of a bigger effort Forget HTTP.
And it goes on Twitter as #httpdd - HTTP Decision Diagram.
This is a follow-up/fork of Alan Dean's http-headers-status.
Why, why, why
Why is this helpful?
Watch Webmachine: Focus on Resources - Sean Cribbs from Øredev Conference on Vimeo.
Sean also has a good rundown of why an FSM is a good match for a protocol specification/implementation.
This repository's goal is to build on previous work, and set a "reference" in terms of a HTTP decision diagram and necessary callbacks.
In doing so, we take a snapshot of the current Webmachine callbacks that are linked to Alan Dean's http-headers-status, and trying to do constructive criticism and addressing outstanding issues
- in a v4 diagram
- by adding/modifying Webmachine's callbacks
- with clear definitions of the steps/logic implied by the callbacks
- with a diagram described as FSM thanks to Cosmogol, with a JSON AST export.
Take it also as a process of gaining context, while the existing callbacks and the existing diagram may be spot on.
Kudos to
Alan Dean (author of http-headers-status) for thinking straight, way before many of us, and sharing his thoughts .
Basho and their Webmachine for incorporating Alan's work. Same goes for Sean Cribbs, not only behind Basho's Webmachine, but also behind Webmachine-Ruby.
Loïc Hoguin and his cowboy for working in the same direction, but with a less sexy outcome :)
Philipp Meier and his clojure-liberator for working in the same direction, but with a less sexy outcome :)
Stephane Bortzmeyer, another straight thinker, for coming up with Cosmogol
- Cyril Rohr -