HTTP status codes, but in a typescript enum so you have a parent type
This is http-status-codes but the status codes are wrapped in an enum so you can have a Typescript type for the status codes. The size of the package is also incredibly small (4kb uncompressed after tree shaking).
Version 1.0.1 significantly reduces the size of the package. Good for browsers now.
Version 1.0.2 supports both CommonJS and ES Modules but doubles the size of the package (since we're now publishing two files).
Version 2.0.0 only supports ES Modules.
Version 2.0.1 removes unneeded artifacts and reduces the size of the package.
npm install http-status-typed --save
Usage (Typescript)
import HttpStatusCode from 'http-status-typed';
interface ApiResponse {
status: HttpStatusCode;
response: object;
function handleResponse(): ApiResponse {
return {
status: HttpStatusCode.OK;
response: {
body: "😎"
| Constant | Code | Status Text | | ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------- | | ACCEPTED | 202 | Accepted | | BAD_GATEWAY | 502 | Bad Gateway | | BAD_REQUEST | 400 | Bad Request | | CONFLICT | 409 | Conflict | | CONTINUE | 100 | Continue | | CREATED | 201 | Created | | EXPECTATION_FAILED | 417 | Expectation Failed | | FAILED_DEPENDENCY | 424 | Failed Dependency | | FORBIDDEN | 403 | Forbidden | | GATEWAY_TIMEOUT | 504 | Gateway Timeout | | GONE | 410 | Gone | | HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED | 505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | | IM_A_TEAPOT | 418 | I'm a teapot | | INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE | 419 | Insufficient Space on Resource | | INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE | 507 | Insufficient Storage | | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 500 | Server Error | | LENGTH_REQUIRED | 411 | Length Required | | LOCKED | 423 | Locked | | METHOD_FAILURE | 420 | Method Failure | | METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | 405 | Method Not Allowed | | MOVED_PERMANENTLY | 301 | Moved Permanently | | MOVED_TEMPORARILY | 302 | Moved Temporarily | | MULTI_STATUS | 207 | Multi-Status | | MULTIPLE_CHOICES | 300 | Multiple Choices | | NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED | 511 | Network Authentication Required | | NO_CONTENT | 204 | No Content | | NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION | 203 | Non Authoritative Information | | NOT_ACCEPTABLE | 406 | Not Acceptable | | NOT_FOUND | 404 | Not Found | | NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 501 | Not Implemented | | NOT_MODIFIED | 304 | Not Modified | | OK | 200 | OK | | PARTIAL_CONTENT | 206 | Partial Content | | PAYMENT_REQUIRED | 402 | Payment Required | | PERMANENT_REDIRECT | 308 | Permanent Redirect | | PRECONDITION_FAILED | 412 | Precondition Failed | | PRECONDITION_REQUIRED | 428 | Precondition Required | | PROCESSING | 102 | Processing | | PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED | 407 | Proxy Authentication Required | | REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE | 431 | Request Header Fields Too Large | | REQUEST_TIMEOUT | 408 | Request Timeout | | REQUEST_TOO_LONG | 413 | Request Entity Too Large | | REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG | 414 | Request-URI Too Long | | REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE | 416 | Requested Range Not Satisfiable | | RESET_CONTENT | 205 | Reset Content | | SEE_OTHER | 303 | See Other | | SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | 503 | Service Unavailable | | SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS | 101 | Switching Protocols | | TEMPORARY_REDIRECT | 307 | Temporary Redirect | | TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | 429 | Too Many Requests | | UNAUTHORIZED | 401 | Unauthorized | | UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | 422 | Unprocessable Entity | | UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | 415 | Unsupported Media Type | | USE_PROXY | 305 | Use Proxy |