Determines whether an IP address has exceeded the previously specified limit of requests per timeframe
HTTP-RateLimit v0.2.3
This package counts the incoming client requests and determines whether a requesting client has reached a specified request threshold per defined timeframe
npm i http-ratelimit
Example Usage:
const http = require("http"); // also works with the https package
const rateLimit = require("http-ratelimit");
http.createServer((req, res) => {
rateLimit.inboundRequest(req); // this function has to run in the createServer callback, optimally at the very top of it like shown here
if(rateLimit.isRateLimited(req, 20) === true) { // this checks whether the request is from an IP that has already sent x amount of requests in the defined timeframe (two minutes in this example). x is specified with the second attribute.
// if this part is reached, that means the requester has sent more than 20 requests in two minutes
// it is best to end the request here with status code 429, like the following lines suggest:
res.writeHead(429, {"Content-Type": "text/plain; utf-8"});
res.end("Too many requests - max is 20 requests in two minutes");
else {
// the requester has sent less than 20 requests in the defined timeframe (two minutes in this example)
// do your normal stuff here
res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain; utf-8"});
}).listen(80, null, err => {
if(!err) {
// server was successfully started
rateLimit.init(2, true); // HTTP-RateLimit has to be initialized before running any other function. It's best to put it right in here.
// In this example, a timeframe of two minutes is chosen (first parameter) - (defaults to 1 if left undefined)
// If you are using a reverse proxy, the second parameter has to be set to true - (defaults to false if left undefined)
else {
// error while starting server
console.log(`Error: ${err}`);
Function List:
rateLimit.init(timeframe: Number, usingReverseProxy: Boolean)
- Initializes all variables etc. | If you are using a reverse proxy, make sure to set the second parameter to true as then the IP address has to be pulled from the "x-forwarded-for" request headerrateLimit.inboundRequest(req: http.IncomingMessage)
- Adds the requestee's IP address to the list of requests per timeframerateLimit.isRateLimited(req: http.IncomingMessage, requestLimitPerMinute: Number)
- Checks if the request's IP address occurs more thanrequestLimitPerMinute
times in the above mentioned list and should therefore be rate limited | Returns true or false