Node module to handle to HTTP status codes
Node module to handle to HTTP status codes
This module sets the the http messages for node's http server
it usess request
and responce
arguments ofhttp
argument is boolen, by defulat it is set to true
if set set to true it trigeers res.end()
. if sets to false, call function has explicitly call res.end()
to end responce to client application.
200 and plus
httpMsgs.sendJSON(req, res, data, resEnd)
This send json object back after with success
data = retun data is in JSON format
httpMsgs.sendHTML(req, res, html, resEnd)
this sends the responce in html format
httpMsg.send200(req, res, resEnd)
This send only 200 status but not data returned
300 plus
httpMsgs.movedPermently(req, res, url, resEnd)
moved permentantly
httpMsgs.redirectTemporary(req, res, url, resEnd)
Temporary redirect
httpMsgs.redirectPerment(req, res, url, resEnd)
perment redirect
400 plus
httpMsgs.send405(req, res, html, resEnd)
Method not supporetd i.e request.methods supported
if html argument is "", then sends the responce in JSON
httpMsags.send404(req, res, html, resEnd)
Requested page not availeble
if html argument is "", then sends the responce in JSON
httpMsgs.send413 (req, res, html, resEnd)
Requesting for large data, not supported.
if html argument is "", then sends the responce in JSON
500 plus
httpMsgs.send500(req, res, err, html, resEnd)
This sends error status with error messages
err = this contains error message
if html argument is "", then sends the responce in JSON
var cookieString = httpMsgs.setCookieString(req, res, name, value, expires,maxAge, httponly, https=true/false);
httpMsgs.setCookie(req, res, cookieString, data, resEnd=true)
httpMsgs.getCookie(req, res, curCookie);
For more extensive study on read in this link HTTP status