3D rendering implementation to HTML made with three.js
3D rendering implementation to HTML made with three.js
A quick example
<script src=""></script>
Create a scene
<!-- Your code will be here! -->
Creating a mesh
Note: By default its a 1x1x1 box and has mesh basic material with the color white.
Moving the camera back
Note: This will allow you to actually see the cube.
<html3d z="5">
Changing the color of the material
<html3d z="5">
<mesh-basic-material color="red"></mesh-basic-material>
Adding a controller
Note: This will allow you to move the camera object with your mouse.
<html3d z="5">
<mesh-basic-material color="red"></mesh-basic-material>
Maximizing the scene
<html3d maximize z="5">
Centering the scene
<html3d center z="5">
Making scene fill the window
<html3d maximize center z="5">
Adding a point light
Note: The origin of the world is 0-0-0.
<html3d maximize center z="5">
<point-light y="100"></point-light>
Using mesh phong material
<html3d maximize center z="5">
<mesh-phong-material color="#156289" emissive="#072534" side="double"></mesh-phong-material>
<point-light y="200"></point-light>
<point-light x="100" y="200" z="100"></point-light>
<point-light x="-100" y="-200" z="-100"></point-light>
Using mesh behaviors
Changeable variables: x(position x), y, z, rx(rotation x), ry, rz, sx(scale x), sy, sz
Actions: **=
, |=
, &=
, +=
, -=
, *=
, /=
<html3d maximize center z="5">
<mesh behavior="rx += 0.01; ry += 0.01">
<mesh-phong-material color="#156289" emissive="#072534" side="double"></mesh-phong-material>
<point-light y="200"></point-light>
<point-light x="100" y="200" z="100"></point-light>
<point-light x="-100" y="-200" z="-100"></point-light>
Wiki 0/3
- [ ] Plain code explanations
- [ ] Image explanations
- [ ] Video explanations
Cameras 1/4
- [ ] Cube camera
- [X] Perspective camera
- [ ] Orthographic camera
- [ ] Stereo camera
Geometries 18/25
- [X] Box geometry
- [X] Capsule geometry
- [X] Circle geometry
- [X] Cone geometry
- [X] Cylinder geometry
- [X] Dodecahedron geometry
- [ ] Edges geometry
- [ ] Extrude geometry
- [X] Icosahedron geometry
- [ ] Lathe geometry
- [X] Octahedron geometry
- [X] Plane geometry
- [ ] Polyhedron geometry
- [X] Ring geometry
- [X] Shape geometry
- [X] Sphere geometry
- [X] Tetrahedron geometry
- [X] Torus geometry
- [X] Torus Knot geometry
- [X] Tube geometry
- [ ] Wireframe geometry
- [X] Convex geometry
- [ ] Decal geometry
- [ ] Parametric geometry
- [X] Text geometry
Materials 5/17
- [X] Line basic material
- [X] Line dashed material
- [X] Mesh basic material
- [X] Mesh depth material
- [ ] Mesh distance material
- [ ] Mesh lambert material
- [ ] Mesh metcap material
- [ ] Mesh normal material
- [X] Mesh phong material
- [ ] Mesh physical material
- [ ] Mesh standard material
- [ ] Mesh toon material
- [ ] Points material
- [ ] Raw shader material
- [ ] Shader material
- [ ] Shadow material
- [ ] Sprite material
Lights 8/9
- [X] Ambient light
- [X] Ambient light probe
- [X] Directional light
- [X] Hemisphere light
- [X] Hemisphere light probe
- [ ] Light probe
- [X] Point light
- [X] Rect area light
- [X] Spotlight
Fogs 0/2
- [ ] Fog
- [ ] FogExp2
Controllers 6/8
- [X] Arc ball controls
- [ ] Drag controls
- [X] First person controls
- [X] Fly controls
- [X] Orbit controls
- [X] Pointer lock controls
- [X] Trackball controls
- [ ] Transform controls
Renderers 1/5
- [X] WebGL renderer
- [ ] WebGL1 renderer
- [ ] CSS 2D renderer
- [ ] CSS 3D renderer
- [ ] SVG renderer
Loaders 1/14
- [ ] 3DM loader
- [ ] DRACO loader
- [X] Font loader
- [ ] GLTF loader
- [ ] KTX2 loader
- [ ] LDraw loader
- [ ] MMD loader
- [ ] MTL loader
- [ ] OBJ loader
- [ ] PCD loader
- [ ] PDB loader
- [ ] PRWM loader
- [ ] SVG loader
- [ ] TGA loader
Miscellaneous 1/1
- [X] Groups