Yet another HTML builder
Minimalistic HTML builder based on space-pen. Intended to be used from CoffeeScript.
npm install html-maker --save
Here's a CoffeeScript example. The html is generated by a function
that is evaluated in the scope of an HtmlMaker instance, so
it has access to methods for each HTML element through this
HtmlMaker = require 'html-maker'
view = ->
@h1 'Greetings'
@div class: 'x', =>
@span class: 'first', 'hi'
@span class: 'second', 'there!'
@p 'paragraph'
@p =>
@text 'yet'
@b 'another'
@text 'paragrah'
html = HtmlMaker.render view
The generated HTML text will be as follows (albeit without the indentation):
<div class="x">
<span class="first">hi</span>
<span class="second">there!</span>
Instead of evaluating the html-building closure in the
scope of an HtmlMaker (i.e. having the builder in this
the builder can be passed as an argument to the closure
by using render_external
instead of render
HtmlMaker = require 'html-maker'
view = (html) ->
html.h1 'Greetings'
html.div class: 'x', ->
html.span class: 'first', 'hi'
html.span class: 'second', 'there!'
html.p 'paragraph'
html.p ->
html.text 'yet'
html.b 'another'
html.text 'paragrah'
html = HtmlMaker.render_external view
This form is more amenable to be used from JavaScript, but still not as nice:
var Maker = require('html-maker');
var view = function(html) {
html.h1( 'Greetings' );
html.div({ class: 'x' }, function() {
html.span({ class: 'first' }, 'hi' );
html.span({ class: 'second' }, 'there!' );
html.p( 'paragraph' );
html.p(function() {
html.text( 'yet' );
html.b( 'another' );
html.text( 'paragrah' );
var html = Maker.render_external(view);
Partial view helpers
Helper methods that generate partial view can be used with
the render
form_field = (name) ->
@p =>
@text name
@text ' '
@input type: 'text', name: name
form = (action, fields) ->
@form action: action, =>
for field in fields
@render form_field, field
@input type: 'submit', value: 'Submit'
form_html = HtmlMaker.render form, '', ['name', 'address']
Result (indented):
<form action="">
<p>name <input type="text" name="name"></p>
<p>address <input type="text" name="address"></p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
If the alternative style using an HtmlMaker
argument is desired
we could have written:
form_field = (H, name) ->
H.p ->
H.text name
H.text ' '
H.input type: 'text', name: name
form = (H, action, fields) ->
H.form action: action, ->
for field in fields
form_field H, field
H.input type: 'submit', value: 'Submit'
form_html = HtmlMaker.render_external form, '', ['name', 'address']
Note the differences:
- No fat arrows needed (for HtmlMaker's shake, maybe they're needed for other reason)
- No internal
method needed
Data attributes
Data attributes can be defined in a single data
card = (name, address) ->
@div data: { name: name, city: city }, =>
@text name
console.log HtmlMaker.render card, 'John', 'Springfield'
<div data-name="John" data-city="Springfield">John</div>
Which is equivalent to:
card = (name, city) ->
@div 'data-name': name, 'data-city': address, =>
@text name
Note that data attribute names can use camelCase:
card = (name) ->
@div data: { personName: name }, =>
@text name
console.log HtmlMaker.render card, 'John'
And they will be automaticalley dasherized:
<div data-person-name="John">John</div>
Style attributes
Like data
, style
attributes can be defined with an object
(and property names can be camelized as well):
card = (name) ->
@div name,
data: { personName: name }
textAlign: 'center',
lineHeight: '100px'
border: '10px solid blue'
console.log HtmlMaker.render card, 'John'
The result (formatted for convenience):
style="text-align: center; line-height: 100px; border: 10px solid blue">