Generates an index.html with a list of files with links
Generates an Index.html with a list of links to pages/files
Html Index Pagelinks plugin for Webpack
Generates an Index.html (customizable) with a list of links to pages/files in your Webpack project to save time. You can fully customize which type, name and/or basepath of pages/files will be included in the list with a regex. Examples: html,htm,js,ts,css,png,jpg,gif,svg,etc..
output: //Change the default (index.html) path and name of the destination file
test: //A regex to decide which files will be in the the list of pages.
title: //Title of the index.html file
templates: { //Change the content of the index.html file
header: '<h1>[title]</h1><ul>',
file: '<li><a href="[filePath]">[fileName]</a><li>',
filePath: (filePath) => { return filePath; },
fileName: (filePath) => { return filePath[0].toUpperCase() + filePath.substr(1); },
footer: '</ul>'
$ npm install --save-dev html-index-pagelinks-webpack-plugin
Just pass the optional options to the plugin as the first argument.
In your webpack.config.js
var HtmlIndexPagelinksPlugin = require('html-index-pagelinks-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
//Add the plugin last
new HtmlIndexPagelinksPlugin(options)
In your webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new HtmlIndexPagelinksPlugin({
output: 'path/index.htm', // The path and name of the destination file.
// Default: 'index.html'
test: /.html$/, // A regex to decide which files will be in the the list of pages.
// (Works just like the test rules of Webpack).
// Default: /.html$/
// Examples:
// /.md$/ Ending with .md
// /^\/Directory1\/Directory2\// Starting with /Directory1/Directory2/
// /.js$/ Ending with .js
// /.(html|html)$/ Ending with .html or .htm
// /.(svg|jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/ Ending with .svg .jpg .jpeg .png or .gif
title: 'Project title', // Title of the index.html file.
// Default: 'Index'
// Specify custom templates to override the default content of the index.html file
templates: {
// Generates the html before the list
// If you are creating an html file here you can also add the head tag or styling
// Parameters: title
header: (title) => { return `<h1>${title}</h1><ul>` },
// Generates the html for a link to a file
// Parameters: filePath, fileName
file: (filePath, fileName) => { return `<li><a href="${filePath}">${fileName}</a></li>` },
// Modifies the filePath in the file template
// Parameters: filePath
filePath: (filePath) => { return filePath; },
// Modifies the fileName parameter in the file template
// Parameters: filePath
fileName: (filePath) => { return filePath[0].toUpperCase() + filePath.substr(1); },
// Generates the html after the list
footer: () => { return `</ul>` }
Feedback & Bugs:
Feel free to open issues to propose stuff and participate. Pull requests are also welcome.