Building navigation Tree to navigate by html DOM
The Navigator allows you to navigate with keyboard arrows and mouse click by the html navigation elements which have data-nav attribute. You can see an interactive example here.
npm install html-dom-navigator
How to use
import Navigator from "html-dom-navigator";
const html = document.createElement('div')
html.innerHTML = `
<div id="nav-panel" data-nav="row">
<div data-nav="column">
<div data-nav="item" data-nav-label="it will be activated by default">column-1</div>
<div data-nav="item">column-2</div>
<div data-nav="row">
<div id="uuid" data-nav="item" data-nav-label="test-label">row-1</div>
<div data-nav="item" data-nav-uuid="test-uuid">row-2</div>
const navPanel = document.getElementById('nav-panel') as HTMLElement
const navigator = new Navigator()
Navigation tree handle next events:
- Changing DOM in order to rebuild navigation tree.
- Keyboard arrows, tab keypress in order to activate next navigation node.
- Clicking on navigation node with attribute data-nav="item" to activate navigation node.
After changing DOM, Navigation tree rebuild and activate previous active navigation node otherwise it activates first navigation node which was found.
If you want to navigate manually, you can use one of the possible ways:
- Navigate by UUID. You just need to get it from html element. UUID generates on each node automatically. Don't set uuid manually. This may affect the correct operation.
const elemWithUUID = document.getElementById('uuid') as HTMLElement
const uuid = elemWithUUID.dataset.navUuid
- Navigate by Label. You can set a label via data-nav-label attribute.
If you activate block navigation node, then first navigation child with attribute data-nav="item" will be activated.
You can also deactivate current active node.
Remember to unsubscribe from the navigator before deleting the item to prevent memory leaks.
The following attributes can be set on the navigation node:
data-nav: "row" | "column" | "item" - set by user
"row" and "column" is block type. Elements with this type can contain other navigation items.
"item" is element that can be activated. It cannot contain other navigation elements.
<div data-nav="row"> <div data-nav="item">1<div> <div data-nav="item">2<div> <div data-nav="item">3<div> <div> <div data-nav="column"> <div data-nav="item">1<div> <div data-nav="item">2<div> <div data-nav="item">3<div> <div>
data-label: string - set by user
Label can be set on any navigation element.
<div data-nav="row" data-nav-label="nav-block"> <div data-nav="item" data-nav-label="home">home<div> <div>
data-uuid: string - set automatically
UUID generates on each node automatically and has view template 8-4-4-4-12.
<div data-nav="row" data-nav-uuid="9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d"> <div data-nav="item" data-nav-uuid="1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed">home<div> <div>
data-active-nav-item: "true" | nothing - set automatically if element is active
This attribute set only on active element.
<!-- active --> <div data-nav="item" data-active-nav-item="true">home<div> <!-- not active --> <div data-nav="item">home<div>
data-nav-focus: string - set by user
This attribute set only on item navigation element. You can use any selector as for Document.querySelector() method. In most cases it needs for custom inputs.
<div data-nav="item" data-nav-focus="#input"> <input id="input" type="text" placeholder="enter text" /> </div>