Custmisabl Headless component and React component for js, css and html compiler.
This npm library provides headless React hooks and self-suffiecient react components for building a powerful front-end editor. Developers can leverage these hooks to create custom editors for CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and even display console output.
You can install this library using npm:
npm install html-css-js-editor
yarn add html-css-js-editor
### 1. useHTMLEditor
This hook allows you to manage HTML content within your editor. It accepts a state variable containing HTML code and an iframe reference.
Example usage:
import { useHTMLEditor } from 'html-css-js-editor';
const MyHtmlEditor = () => {
const ref = useRef();
const [ value, setValue ] = useState('');
useHTMLEditor(value, ref);
return (
<textarea value={value} onChnage={(ev)=>setValue(ev.taregt.value)}/>
// Output will be shown here in iframe
<iframe ref={ref}/>
### 2. useCSSEditor
Similar to useHTMLEditor, this hook handles CSS code. It also takes a state variable with CSS code and an iframe reference.
Example usage:
import { useCSSEditor } from 'html-css-js-editor';
const MyCssEditor = () => {
const ref = useRef();
const [ value, setValue ] = useState('');
useCSSEditor(value, ref);
return (
<textarea value={value} onChnage={(ev)=>setValue(ev.taregt.value)}/>
// Output will be shown here in iframe
<iframe ref={ref}/>
### 3. useJSEditor
Similar to useHTMLEditor, this hook handles CSS code. It also takes a state variable with CSS code and an iframe reference.
Example usage:
import { useCSSEditor } from 'html-css-js-editor';
import { useConsole } from 'html-css-js-editor';
const MyCssEditor = () => {
const ref = useRef();
const [ value, setValue ] = useState('');
useJSEditor(value, ref);
// useConsole return the console logs in logs
const {logs} = useConsole(value, ref);
return (
<textarea value={value} onChnage={(ev)=>setValue(ev.taregt.value)}/>
// Output will be shown here in iframe
<iframe ref={ref}/>
### 4. Alternativly all Hooks can be used togather
Example usage:
import { useCSSEditor } from 'html-css-js-editor';
import { useConsole } from 'html-css-js-editor';
import { useHTMLEditor } from 'html-css-js-editor';
import { useCSSEditor } from 'html-css-js-editor';
const MyCssEditor = () => {
const ref = useRef();
const [ js, setJs ] = useState('');
const [ css, setCss ] = useState('');
const [ html, setJs ] = useState('');
useJSEditor(value, ref);
// useConsole return the console logs in logs
const {logs} = useConsole(value, ref);
return (
// write js code here
<textarea value={js} onChnage={(ev)=>setJs(ev.taregt.value)}/>
// write html code here
<textarea value={html} onChnage={(ev)=>setHtml(ev.taregt.value)}/>
// write css code here
<textarea value={css} onChnage={(ev)=>setCss(ev.taregt.value)}/>
// Output will be shown here in iframe
<iframe ref={ref}/>
### 5. This Library also provide the prebuild component for html, css and js editors which comes with monaco editor ( before using the component install and
- <HTMLEditor/>
- <CSSEditor/>
- <JSEditor/>
- <Console>
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests on our GitHub repository.
Run 'npm run build or yarn build' command to build and use the build ( bundle.esm.js ) inside dist folder for testing in your local project.
This library is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Remember to customize the content according to your library's specifics. Happy coding! 🚀