an easy way to convert HTML elements into PDF or tables into XLSX files.
This library provides an easy way to convert HTML elements into PDF or tables into XLSX files. With just a few lines of code, you can transform your HTML content into a downloadable PDF or XLSX file.
Include it as a script in your HTML
You can include the library as a script in your HTML file, like this:
<!--take care of your file path-->
<script src="./exceljs.min.js" ></script>
<script src="./FileSaver.min.js" ></script>
<script src="./html2pdf.bundle.min.js" ></script>
<script src="./table2excel.core.js" ></script>
<script type="module">
import { toPdf, tableToExcel } from "./htmlConverter.js";
You can use the toPdf() function to convert any HTML element into a PDF file. The function takes two parameters:
toPdf(selector, filename);
- selector: Required. A string that specifies the HTML element you want to convert. This can be any valid CSS selector, such as #myElement or .myClass.
- filename: Optional. A string that specifies the name of the downloaded file, without the file extension.
Here's an example of how to use the toPdf() function:
toPdf('#content', 'myFile');
This will convert the HTML element with the ID content into a PDF file named myFile.pdf.
Table to XLSX
You can use the tableToExcel() function to convert a table element into an XLSX file. The function takes two parameters:
tableToExcel(selector, filename);
- selector: Required. A string that specifies the table element you want to convert. This can be any valid CSS selector, such as #myTable or .myTableClass.
- filename: Optional. A string that specifies the name of the downloaded file, without the file extension. Here's an example of how to use the tableToExcel() function:
tableToExcel('#myTable', 'myFile');
This will convert the table element with the ID myTable into an XLSX file named myFile.xlsx.
Note that the tableToExcel() function only works with table elements.