This repository contains code for 2D Canvas Grid. It's a class which can be used to create `Grid` on html canvas. The grid consist of `GridCell` which can be accessed via api provided by `Grid` class and can be manipulated.
2D Canvas Grid
This repository contains code for 2D Canvas Grid. It's a class which can be used to create Grid
on html canvas. The grid consist of GridCell
which can be accessed via api provided by Grid
class and can be manipulated.
The motivation behind 2D Canvas Grid
is to provide a way to implement and visualize algorithms like Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Flood Fill, Maze Generation, Maze Path Finding without getting stuck into writing the visualization code. Instead 2D Canvas Grid
provides simple to use api which abstracts Canvas in Grid
and GridCell
These can be use to draw over the canvas.
Flood Fill Example
function floodFill(g: Grid, griCell: GridCell) {
setTimeout(() => {
const neighbours: GridCell[] = g.getNeighbours(griCell, false, false, true);
if (neighbours.length != 0) {
neighbours.forEach(n => {
g.set(n.row, n.col, { ...n, fillColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', isPassable: false }, true);
floodFill(g, n);
}, 200);
function createCanvas(width: number, height: number): HTMLCanvasElement {
const canvasHtmlElement: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
canvasHtmlElement.width = width;
canvasHtmlElement.height = height;
return canvasHtmlElement;
const g = new Grid(400, 40, canvasHtmlElement);
floodFill(g, {row:2, col: 2});