A small utility package for implementing haversine distance calculations. This is used to find the straight line distance between two points on a sphere.
What this package does
This package is primarily concerned with providing a simple class to solve for straight-line distances between two points on a spherical surface.
The most common application of this would be two points on the surface of the earth, and this is what the package is primarily designed for.
How to use this package
Initialize an object
Create a HSDistanceSolver() object. This class had a default constructor that initializes it's 'radius' property to the circumference of the earth (6371).
const hs = new HSDistanceSolver();
You can provide your own radius for other calculations directly in the constructor, but this is not advised.
const hs = new HSDistanceSolver(100);
Use the GetTotalDistance function
This function requires 2 arguments - two objects that implement the LatLonCoords interface, which has two properties -
// LatLonCoords interface definition
export interface LatLonCoords {
lat: number;
lon: number;
const hs = new HSDistanceSolver();
// These are random locations I picked on google maps
const locA: LatLonCoords = {
lat: 40.41201007926684,
lon: -108.42432532142769
const locB: LatLonCoords = {
lat: 42.28465844945778,
lon: -101.2917684191836
const distance = hs.GetTotalDistance(locA, locB);
// distance = 630.509683467467
Optionally, you can provide a third argument of the EDistanceType enum to specify how you want the distance calculation returned.
const hs = new HSDistanceSolver();
// These are random locations I picked on google maps
const locA: LatLonCoords = {
lat: 40.41201007926684,
lon: -108.42432532142769
const locB: LatLonCoords = {
lat: 42.28465844945778,
lon: -101.2917684191836
const distance = hs.GetTotalDistance(locA, locB, EDistanceType.meter);
// distance = 63050.9683467467
Conveniently, you can use part of the object returned from a Google Place Details API request to satisfy the GetTotalDistance parameter requirements, which is primarily how I have used it.
Other Functions
There is one RadiansToLatLon utility function that converts two radian values to degree values. This returns a LatLonCoords object, so it can be plugged directly into the GetTotalDistance Function if needed.
Warnings / Notes
DO NOT USE THIS PACKAGE FOR AVIATION CALUCULATIONS Additionally, this package will not provide correct calculations for driving directions / distances, as it only provides a straight line distance measurement.