## Project setup ``` npm install ```
Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Customize configuration
@Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) private tableSchema!: TableColSchema; // 詳細見下,表格cols配置
@Prop({ type: [Object, Boolean], default: () => ({}) }) private searchSchema!: FormSchema | boolean; // 詳細見下,头部搜索搜索配置
@Prop({ type: Number }) private searchCols!: number // 默认头部搜索表单每项占1,设置一行有多少项搜索栏
@Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false }) private canSelect!: boolean; // 表格头部能否选中
@Prop({ type: [Object, Boolean], default: () => ({ pageSize: 20 }) }) private paginationSchema!: | { pageSize: number; } | false; // 分页
@Prop({ type: String, required: true }) private requestUrl!: string; // 表单搜索对应的url
@Prop({ type: Function }) private resultTransfer?: (result: any) => any[]; // 远程返回数据,有时不符合我们需要时需要transfer
@Prop({ type: Function }) private pageInfoTransfer?: any; // 远程返回数据中的分页信息,有时不符合我们需要时需要transfer
@Prop({ default: 'id' }) private rowKey!: any; // 指定每列数据中的key
@Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false }) private border!: boolean;
@Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true }) private autoLoad!: boolean;
@Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) private params!: any; // 远程搜索时额外需要添加的参数
@Prop({ type: String, default: 'GET' }) private method!: string
@Prop({ default: () => () => { } }) private beforeQueryList!: (params: any) => boolean; // 远程搜索之前的回调
@Prop() private cacheKey!: string; // 有时需要缓存页面的头部搜索项,指定key即可
@Prop({ type: String, default: '' }) private title!: string;
interface TableColSchema extends JsonSchema { enum?: Array<string | boolean | number | { label?: any; value?: any }>; properties?: { [property: string]: TableColSchema }; tableColProps?: { align?: string; position?: number; colSpan?: number; customRender?: (value: any, record?: any, index?: number) => any; slotName?: string; width?: number | string; fixed?: 'left' | 'right'; sortable?: boolean; }; }
interface FormSchema extends JsonSchema { title?: string; type?: string | string[]; enum?: <{ label?: any; value?: any }>[]; description?: string; default?: any; required?: string[]; properties?: { [property: string]: JsonSchema }; /**
- 枚举值数据源
- @type {{
url: string;
method?: string;
params?: {
[propery: string]: any;
callback: Function;
- }}
- @memberof FormSchema
enumSource?: {
- 请求URL
- @type {string} / url: string; /*
- 请求方式
- @type {string} / method?: string; /*
- 入参
- @type {{
[propery: string]: any;
- 回调函数
- @type {Function} / callback: (data: any) => any[]; }; /*
- 是否可用
- @type {boolean}
- @memberof FormSchema / disabled?: boolean; /*
- 是否隐藏
- @type {boolean}
- @memberof FormSchema / visible?: boolean; /*
- 数值转换(取出)
- @type {Function}
- @memberof FormSchema / valueGetter?: (value: any) => any; /*
- 数值转换(赋值)
- @type {Function}
- @memberof FormSchema / valueSetter?: (value: any) => any; /*
- 属性
- @type {{ [property: string]: FormSchema }}
- @memberof FormSchema / properties?: { [property: string]: FormSchema }; /*
- 约束
- @memberof FormSchema / restrictions?: Array; /*
- 插槽名称
- @type {string}
- @memberof FormSchema / slotName?: string; /*
- 额外校验规则
- @type {string}
- @memberof FormSchema */ rules?: any[]; }
interface Restriction { sources: Array<{ key: string, values: Array }>, target: { key: string, value?: any, enabled?: boolean, visible?: boolean, required?: boolean } } 表单中sources满足条件时,控制target的状态 { sources: [{ xxx: 1 xxx2: true }], taget: { key: formitemxxx, visible: false } }