HTML5 Robot User Interface Server
#HTML5 Robot User Interface Server ####An ASLab Project, ####Developed by Daniel Peiró ####ETSII, UPM 2014-2015
##Quick Instructions ######(Detailed instructions follow):
#####1. Install nodejs, npm. #####2. Install avconv (Optional, see below). #####3. Install MongoDB and start service. #####4. CD to HTML5RUI dir and enter:
$ mongo utils/hruiconfig.js
$ npm install
$ npm start
###Detailed Installation Instructions (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint):
#####1. Install nodejs, npm: $ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
On some systems (i.e. 32-Bit, Debian), nodejs-legacy
package may also be required.
#####2. Install avconv/ffmpeg (Optional, required for media streaming):
$ sudo apt-get install libav-tools
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
If you wish to use ffmpeg instead of avconv, change parameter AVCONV in config.json or app.js to 'ffmpeg' so the app calls ffmpeg instead of avconv.
#####3. Install MongoDB: Get software source (use method of your choice):
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 7F0CEB10
$ echo 'deb dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list
Update package list:
$ sudo apt-get update
Install mongodb and start service:
$ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
$ sudo service mongod start
To check if mongodb was installed correctly, run mongo shell:
$ mongo
#####4. CD to HTML5RUI directory.
#####5. Configure MongoDB (For Data Monitor Module and Geolocation out of the box):
$ mongo utils/hruiconfig.js
Alternatively, backup/restore a working db with mongorestore.
#####6. Install app and run:
$ npm install
$ npm start
#####Optional: Use PM2 to monitor/manage server (Recommended).
$ npm install pm2 -g
$ pm2 start bin/start
$ pm2 logs/monit/stop 0/start 0/...(see PM2 documentation)
#####Notes on using port 80: ######The app is setup to use port 80 by default (makes for a 'prettier' URL). ######Using standard HTTP Port 80 (or any other port < 1024) requires root privileges. ######If user is not root, an EACCES error will be thrown on app start (using sudo will work, but is a security risk, as it grants full rights and capabilities to node). ######To use a different port (greater than 1024), Open app.js and modify the PORT Parameter (should not be the same as other XXXPORT Parameters), save changes and restart app if necessary. ######The server can then be reached at:
######where XXXX is the chosen PORT. (i.e. for PORT=8080; http://localhost:8080)
#####How to use port 80: My preferred method uses setcap to grant node.js the capability to bind to port<1024:
$ sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin
$ sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/node
To revert, simply:
$ sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=-ep /usr/local/bin/node
This only gives node the ability to bind to ports < 1024, keeping all other restrictions intact. There are several other ways to use or redirect Port 80 without root privileges.
###Installation (Windows):
The server is meant to be deployed on Linux.
It can be installed on Windows, but it's not recommended as installation is cumbersome (not of the app itself, dependencies) and some features aren't available (namely: Live Media and Script Execution).
#####1. Install NodeJS from . Make sure NPM package manager is installed (it is by default). #####2. Install MongoDB from #####3. Configure MongoDB: See linux. #####4. Install HTML5RUI:
- Open cmd in HTML5RUI directory.
npm install ```
(Optional) Install app as windows service (daemonize and keep running):
- Install node-windows (globally):
>npm install -g node-windows
- Open cmd in HTML5RUI/winutils.
>node winsvc install name
- Other actions:
>node winsvc uninstall name >node winsvc start name >node winsvc stop name
(where "name" is the name the service will have/has)
(Optional) or use PM2 for Windows
#####5. Run app manually (if not installed as service/not using PM2):
- Open cmd in HTML5RUI directory:
>npm start
#####Possible issues with Windows installation:
- npm error when trying to install (missing folder npm): Create folder manually (normally in AppData/Roaming/npm).
- MongoDB error (missing data/db/): Create folder manually where the database will be stored (use of MongoDB installation folder recommended).
- npm, node, mongod and mongo should be in your PATH if you don't want to specify it each time you use them.
##Usage ####See User Manual