Run Human Resource Machine programs in JavaScript
Run Human Resource Machine programs in JavaScript
This is a JavaScript runtime for the programs you write in the game Human Resource Machine
Human Resource Machine is a puzzle game. In each level, your boss gives you a job. Automate it by programming your little office worker! If you succeed, you'll be promoted up to the next level for another year of work in the vast office building. Congratulations!
npm install hrm-cpu
Requires node 4.x - uses ES6
Basic Usage
const HrmCpu = require( 'hrm-cpu' )
//source is a string in the Human Resource Machine program format
const source = loadSomeSourceFile()
//the initial state of the inbox - treated as FIFO
const inbox = [ 5, 18 ]
//initial memory state - set just slot 9 to 0
const tiles = {
9: 0
const outbox = HrmCpu( source, inbox, tiles ).run()
console.log( outbox )
Some levels don't require any floor tiles, in which case you can do:
const outbox = HrmCpu( source, inbox ).run()
Some levels don't require an inbox, but if this is the case they must have floor tiles:
const outbox = HrmCpu( source, [], tiles ).run()
Advanced Usage
Also see examples directory or try running the tests with mocha
Factory overloads
HrmCpu( state )
HrmCpu( options )
HrmCpu( source, inbox )
HrmCpu( source, options )
HrmCpu( source, inbox, tiles )
HrmCpu( source, inbox, floor )
HrmCpu is a factory function that returns an object with some properties and
the functions run
and step
options: {...},
state: {...},
run: ( cb ) => ...,
step: ( cb ) => ...
Regardless of which overloads you choose, the factory requires a source file, and either of, or both of, inbox and floor state
If run
is called synchronously it runs the whole program and returns the outbox
If step
is called synchronously it executes a single line of the program, and
returns the program state
If run
is called asynchronously it runs the whole program and then calls the
callback with ( err, outbox, state )
If step
is called asynchronously it executes a single line and calls with
( err, state )
The state object when set to the initial defaults looks like:
program: [],
accumulator: null,
inbox: [],
outbox: [],
memory: [],
counter: 0,
steps: 0,
running: false
Passed in options extend the default options, which are:
source: '',
inbox: [],
tiles: [],
columns: Infinity,
rows: Infinity,
commands: [ 'INBOX', 'OUTBOX', 'COPYFROM', 'COPYTO', 'ADD', 'SUB', 'BUMPUP', 'BUMPDN', 'JUMP', 'JUMPZ', 'JUMPN' ],
dereferencing: true,
maxSteps: 5000,
maxSize: 255,
minValue: -999,
maxValue: 999
These match the constraints of the actual game
, inbox
and tiles
are described above
and rows
describe the floor layout - these determine the valid floor
addresses and if set and your program tries to access a tile outside of these,
an error will be thrown or sent to your callback, depending on whether you used
the sync or async call
are the commands allowed for the current program - for example, in
the early levels many commands are not yet available
is whether or not the program can access memory indirectly eg [12]
is the maximum number of steps your program can run
is the maximum length of a program, not counting labels and comments.
A jump only counts as one line
is the minimum value that you can hold in your hand
is the maximum value that you can hold in your hand
Async example
HrmCpu( source, inbox, tiles ).run( ( err, outbox ) => {
if( err ){
console.error( err )
} else {
console.log( outbox )
Get program state from run
HrmCpu( source, inbox, tiles ).run( ( err, outbox, state ) => {
if( err ){
console.error( err )
} else {
console.log( state )
Related projects
Comment/label decoders & encoders
Please let me know if you know of any others!