This CustomReactSelect which does performs same function of React-Select
This CustomReactSelect which does performs same function of React-Select
How to use this props should be sent like this: // these 3 are compulsory options: array of options object; onChange: pass your function in this which sets the selected value in you hook; value?: for SingleSelect Object for multi array of object;
// These are optional props
placeholder?: string
width?: string eg:"200px"
visibleOptions?: how many options should be displayed other scrollable options
ismulti?: boolean for multi selection if not passed it will single selection
isDisabled?: to disable selection;
showPersonaForSelected?: weather to display persona for selected options
menuPlacement?: "auto" | "top" | "bottom" position of options to display by default it will be auto
// Note
to show persoa for option pass persona as key in Options array
value and label should be string and you can pass any number of of key value pair which are needed
eg option [{value:"val1",label:"label1"},{value:"val2",label:"label2"} ...]
in onChange you will receive an array of all selected options for multiple selection and Object for single selection