Track hours you spend on projects
Time-tracker | Register | Hour tracker
Whatever you want to call it, it is a small command line utility written in NodeJS. Probably useless to most people who do not need to track hours (or who use normal software for this).
Getting Started
Install this application globally using the following command:
npm i -g hourtracker
Using this application, you can track your time in a global register. In this help menu, all keywords are blue, all user-defined values are purle. Times are expected in ${bold('HH:MM.
register start|-s [TIME?]
starts a new day at an optional time, otherwise
rounds to nearest quarter. Completely wipes the
previous register.
register [NAME] [TIME?]
adds the end time of a project to the register.
Optionally add end time, to overwrite rounding to
nearest quarter.
register output|-o|calculate|-c
calculates an overview of the hours you have made so
far for each project.
register previous|-p
shows the last entry you made into the registry.
register undo|-u
removes the last entry you made into the registry.
register list|ls|-l
lists all entries you have made into your register.
register help|?|-h
displays the help menu.