hotsparserjs is a node based parser for Heroes of the Storm replay files. The goal of this project is to create a clean, well formatted data structure from replays. The top objectives of this parser are: - Keep the data structure relevant to actual game i
hotsparserjs is a node based parser for Heroes of the Storm replay files. The goal of this project is to create a clean, well formatted data structure from replays. The top objectives of this parser are:
- Keep the data structure relevant to actual game information and trim any internal technical information
- Allow conditional parsing of specific data
- Make it easy to extend the parser to more easily support doing any kind of data analysis
Parser Plugins
Data parsing hotsparserjs is not hard coded. A basic data parsing framework exists in the parser module, and then specific data parsing is implemented in the parsers module. Each parser is implemented via a parser plugin that hooks into events fired from the main loop.
Parsing events
The parser fires the following events that can be intercepted by the plugin:
- parse.start: Signals the start of parsing. Receives all decoded replay data as an argument
- DETAILS: This passes along information decoded from the details portion of the replay
- [.[: Events that are fired from the replay file (see below for examples)
- parse.end: Signals the end of parsing.
Replay specific event data
The following events are fired in the parsing loop:
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SPlayerSetupEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SUnitBornEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SUpgradeEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SStatGameEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SUnitDiedEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SUnitPositionsEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SUnitOwnerChangeEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SUnitRevivedEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SUnitTypeChangeEvent
- NNet.Replay.Tracker.SScoreResultEvent
- NNet.Game.SBankFileEvent
- NNet.Game.SBankSectionEvent
- NNet.Game.SBankKeyEvent
- NNet.Game.SBankSignatureEvent
- NNet.Game.SUserFinishedLoadingSyncEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerSoundLengthSyncEvent
- NNet.Game.SUserOptionsEvent
- NNet.Game.SCameraUpdateEvent
- NNet.Game.SSelectionDeltaEvent
- NNet.Game.SCmdEvent
- NNet.Game.SCmdUpdateTargetPointEvent
- NNet.Game.SCommandManagerStateEvent
- NNet.Game.SCmdUpdateTargetUnitEvent
- NNet.Game.SControlGroupUpdateEvent
- NNet.Game.SHeroTalentTreeSelectedEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerTransmissionOffsetEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerTransmissionCompleteEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerDialogControlEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerSoundOffsetEvent
- NNet.Game.SUnitClickEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerSoundtrackDoneEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerPingEvent
- NNet.Game.STriggerCutsceneEndSceneFiredEvent
- NNet.Game.SGameUserLeaveEvent
- NNet.Game.SLoadingProgressMessage
- NNet.Game.SPingMessage
- NNet.Game.SChatMessage
Extending the parser
It's very easy to extend the parser to do any sort of analysis upon replays that you want. Simply write a new parser plugin and attach it.