Hotpack is a web packer. The biggest advantage is file-level caching, which is very fast. If it is not the first run, no matter how big the project is, it is at the "millisecond" level.
Hotpack is a web packer. The biggest advantage is file-level caching, which is very fast. If it is not the first run, no matter how big the project is, it is at the "millisecond" level.
- Each built file will be cached separately and can be reused at any time.
- Support single page, multi-page, server-side rendering (isomorphic)
- The development environment does not destroy the directory structure
Environmental requirements Node 14 or above
It is recommended to install globally
npm install -g hotpack
Common commands
All commands need to be in the root directory of the project to run,usually the directory where the src directory is located
#Start the development build,The default command of hotpack is dev, it can also be written as hotpack
hotpack dev
#use 3001 port
hotpack dev -p 3001
#no server
hotpack dev -s
#start publishing build
hotpack pro
#start server
hotpack pro -s
#clear dev cache
hotpack dev -c
#clear pro cache
hotpack pro -c
more cmd see help
hotpack dev -h
hotpack pro -h
Configuration file
The configuration files is placed in the .hotpack folder in the root directory. There are three files.
- base.js Common configuration
- dev.js Development configuration
- pro.js production configuration
dev.js, pro.js will overwrite the same configuration of base.js
Import resources
project requires writing in ES6 module syntax.
In addition to the normal import syntax, hotpack also has some extensions to the import syntax.
- starts with '/' is the absolute path, the absolute path is the absolute path relative to the src directory
import { time } from '/js/util.js'
- import picture
import loading from './image/loading.png'
- import css
import './index.css'
- Template physical path => web path
import ‘./index.html=>site/index.html’
Fortunately ,you can write this in any javascript file
- Resources at the same level can omit
// equal to import ‘./index.css’
import ‘index.css’
- Path completion in this example, first complete ./time.js If the file does not exist, complete ./time/index.js
import time from './time'
- import node modules Just write the module name directly
import Swiper from 'swiper'
- import css in node modules
import 'swiper/swiper-bundle.css'
Use node modules
Note: The node module in the root directory packae.json dependences will be processed by the node plugin. If it is only a server-side module, please put it in devDependences.
node plugin
will try to find the files that the browser can use. If it can't be found, it needs to be configured manually.
If you write a plug-in that can meet all needs, the plug-in becomes more and more complex and larger. Therefore, it is recommended to put the plug-in under the personal namespace to realize the functions you need.
- @duhongwei/hotpack-babel
- @duhongwei/hotpack-eslint
- @duhongwei/hotpack-compress
- @duhongwei/hotpack-postcss
- @duhongwei/hotpack-vue3
- @duhongwei/hotpack-proxy
If the function you need does not have a ready-made plug-in, you can develop one yourself.
Quick experience
The fastest way is to clone the template project directly, so that you can start directly without any configuration. Currently there is only one template to choose from, which is the generic vue3
git clone my-mpp
cd my-app/main
npm install
About cache
The hotpack cache is very powerful, but occasionally it may cause problems. As long as the cache is cleared, there is generally no problem.