A simple Sqlite DataMapper
A Sqlite DataMapper that provides base functionality for working with Sqlite databases.
##Getting started
npm install sqlite-mapper
Basic usage can be run on the base SqliteMapper type.
// load the module
var SqliteMapper = require('sqlite-mapper');
// create a mapper
var mapper = new SqliteMapper(path);
// execute a command
mapper.run('insert into stuff values (1, "test");')
.then(function(result) {
console.log('inserted record %d', result.lastID);
####run /**
- Runs INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements
- @param {String} sql - The SQL statement to execute
- @param {Object} [params] - The optional params to apply to the statement
- @param {Function} [next] - The optional callback to exdcute
- @return {Promise} - Will resolve to an object with lastID and changes */
####get /**
- Runs a SELECT for a single row result
- @param {string} sql - The SQL statement to execute
- @param {object} [params] - The optional params to apply to the statement
- @param {function} [next] - The optional callback to exdcute
- @return {Promise} - Will resolve with the found record */
####all /**
- Runs a SELECT for a all rows in the statement
- @param {string} sql - The SQL statement to execute
- @param {object} [params] - The optional params to apply to the statement
- @param {function} [next] - The optional callback to exdcute
- @return {Promise} - Will resolve with the found records as an array */
##Contributing In leui of a style-guide please follow existing patterns and add appropriate unit tests.
You can validate your code with grunt validate