Set of helper methods to reduce redux boilerplate
Honestica-Redux Utils
Redux, without the boilerplate
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It's all about developer experience, but its boilerplate can be quite heavy. Honestica-Redux utils provide an attempt to reduce the pain and focus on meaningful code.
Here are some libraries ont top of which Honestica-Redux utils is built:
- Redux-Act to facilitate action creation
- Redux-Loop, A library that ports Elm's effect system to Redux
- Axios to make http calls
- Lodash because what could we do without lodash ?
The lib is pretty tiny, to get a grip of how it works, look at the source code or in the example folder. Here's a snippet of how it should be used:
// Typings for the state
interface Counter {
current: number,
previous: number,
name: string
// Initial state
export const initState = {
current: 0,
previous: 0,
name: 'Number of kickdrums'
* Create reducer with state type `Counter`
export const reducer : ActReducer<Counter> = createReducer({}, initState);
const { on, onFetch } = reducer;
* Simple action
export const INCREMENT = on<number>('INCREMENT')((state, increment) => {
return [ Object.assign(state, { current: state.current + increment }) ];
* Async action: server, method, url, data are specified when dispatching action
* @type `number` is the type of response.data
export const FETCH_CURRENT = onFetch<number>('INCREMENT')({
success: (state, response) => {
if (response.data > 1) {
return [ Object.assign(state, { current: response.data }) ]
return [ state ];
failure: (state, error) => [ state ]
* Sample call to an action => no need to create a task !!
FETCH_CURRENT({ method: 'post', server: 'axios', data: { coucou: 'hello' }, url: '/coucou', config: {
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json'
} });