Free, open-source, full-featured and programmable Markdown editor for Honest.Cash
Full-featured, open-source Markdown editor used at Honest.Cash. Based on StackEdit, the PageDown-Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.
DEMO: https://editor.honest.cash
# install from npm
npm install honest-editor-js
How to use?
Create a container in your HTML.
<div id="honest-editor"></div>
import HonestEditor from "honest-editor-js";
import "honest-editor-js/app.css";
const honestEditor = new HonestEditor("honest-editor");
# Honest Editor
## brought to you by Honest.Cash
- beautiful
- ultrafast
- real-time markdown -> html
- offline saves
- programmable interface
honestEditor.subscribe(newMarkdown => {
const markdown = honestEditor.getContent();
const store = honestEditor._getStore();
Image Upload Feature:
Users, through the Image modal (Ctrl+Shift+G) can upload images to your backend and insert the URL returned as a response inside their markdown.
To do this you need to specify an options object while instantiating the HonestEditor class:
import HonestEditor from "honest-editor-js";
import "honest-editor-js/app.css";
// See below for options explanation
const options = {
upload: {
image: {
url: '',
requireAuth: false,
tokenKey: '',
token: '',
const honestEditor = new HonestEditor("honest-editor", options);
The default options object is as follows:
upload: {
image: {
url: '', // URL of your upload endpoint. For example: https://honest.cash/api/upload/image
requireAuth: false, // If set to false, tokenKey and token are not required. Defaults to false.
tokenKey: '', // this is the pointer to your authentication header. For example: Bearer
token: '', // this is your token for authentication
The response returned from your backend should be in the following format:
files: [
url: 'https://honest.cash/img/honest-logo-2.png'
The first object in files array will be taken into account and the URL will be inserted into the markdown.
- Real-time HTML preview with Scroll Sync feature to bind editor and preview scrollbars
- Markdown Extra/GitHub Flavored Markdown support and Prism.js syntax highlighting
- LaTeX mathematical expressions using KaTeX
- Diagrams and flowcharts using Mermaid
- WYSIWYG control buttons
- Smart layout
- Offline editing
Apache License Version 2.0
NOTE: This package is a fork of StackEdit.
- wrapped stackedit into an importable module
- added subscribe and setContent methods
- removed elements for cloud saves
- added editor options
- added image upload to an API