control your raspberrry pi GPIO pins from homekit
1) Description
control your raspberrry pi GPIO pins from homekit.
- customize homekit accessory type
- no extra configure except homebridge config.json
- ...
- from the plugin name, you may know that, this plugin only support those accesscories which can controled by a single pin. like switch, led, buzzer, relay...
- ...
2) How to setup
- wire your accessories, check wires are correctly connected to raspberry Pi before power it up.
- edit config.json or just use the homebridge config UI panel to configure this plugin.
3) Configure
config.json field
| field name | type | required | default | range | description | | :------------: | :----: | :------: | :---------------------: | :-----------------: | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | accessory | string | yes | 'raspberry_simple_gpio' | --- | homebridge required, must be 'raspberry_simple_gpio' | | name | string | yes | 'Raspberry-GPIO' | --- | device name shows in HomeKit. | | accessory_type | string | yes | 'switch' | see description | one of these values:- fan- outlet- switch- contact_senser- leak_senser- motion_senser- occupancy_senser- smoke_senser | | pin | int | yes | --- | 1-40 | raspberry GPIO pin number in physical mode, NOT wPi or BCM mode | | reverse_status | bool | no | false | true/false | reverse pin status. If true then on for low, off for high; if false then on for high, off for low. | | init_status | string | no | 'off' | 'on'/'off'/'ignore' | Init accessory status. | | log_level | int | no | 2 | 1,2,3,4,9 | one of these values:- 1: Debug- 2: Info- 3: Warn- 4: Error- 9: None |
example of config.json file
"accessories": [{
"name": "CH1",
"accessory_type": "switch",
"pin": 40,
"reverse_status": false,
"init_status": "off",
"log_level": 1,
"accessory": "raspberry_simple_gpio"
4) How to contribute
everyone is welcome to contribute to this plugin. PR/issue/debug all are welcome.
or you can send me an e-mail: [email protected]