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Optimize Toolset

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Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

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© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Homebridge plugin to control LG webOS TV.




Homebridge LG webOS TV

verified-by-homebridge npm npm npm GitHub pull requests GitHub issues

Homebridge plugin for LG webOS. Tested with OLED65G6V, 32LM6300PLA, 49SK8500, OLED65C7T, 55SK800PLB, OLED48CX.

Package Requirements

| Package | Installation | Role | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Homebridge | Homebridge Wiki | HomeKit Bridge | Required | | Config UI X | Config UI X Wiki | Homebridge Web User Interface | Recommended | | LG webOS TV | Plug-In Wiki | Homebridge Plug-In | Required |

Abut The Plugin

  • Power and Screen ON/OFF short press tile in HomeKit app.
  • RC/Media control is possible after you go to the RC app on iPhone/iPad.
  • Speaker control is possible after you go to RC app on iPhone/iPad Speaker Service.
  • Legacy Volume and Mute control is possible throught extra lightbulb/fan (slider).
  • Inputs can be changed using Inputs selector in, additionally can create separate tile.
  • Channels can be changed using Channels selector in HomeKit app, additionally can create separate tile.
  • Brightness, Contrast, Backlight, Color, Picture Mode, Sound Mode and Sound Output can be changed using extra tile.
  • Siri can be used for all functions, some times need create legacy buttons/switches/sensors.
  • Automations can be used for all functions, some times need create legacy buttons/switches/sensors.
  • Support external integrations, RESTFul, MQTT.


  • Please configure LG Connect Apps
  • Run this plugin as a Child Bridge (Highly Recommended), this prevent crash Homebridge if plugin crashes.
  • Install and use Homebridge Config UI X to configure this plugin.
  • The sample-config.json can be edited and used as an alternative.
  • Be sure to always make a backup copy of your config.json file before making any changes to it.

| Key | Description | | --- | --- | | name | Here set the accessory Name to be displayed in Homebridge/HomeKit. | | host | Here set the Hsostname or Address IP of TV. | | mac | Here set the Mac Address of TV. | | broadcastAddress | Here set the Broadcast address of network interaface to send WOL packet, default is | | disableAccessory | If enabled, the accessory will be disabled. | | getInputsFromDevice | This enable load inputs and apps direct from device. | | filterSystemApps | This enable filter sysem apps, only if getInputsFromDevice is true. | | disableLoadDefaultInputs | This function disable load default inputs Live TV, HDMI 1, HDMI 2 in to the inputs list. | | inputsDisplayOrder | Here select display order of the inputs list, 0 - None, 1 - Ascending by Name, 2 - Descending by Name, 3 - Ascending by Reference, 4 - Ascending by Reference.. | | | Here set Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit. | | inputs.reference | Here set Reference. Live TV, HDMI 1, HDMI 2 are created by default. | | inputs.mode | Here select input mode, 0 - Input/App, 1 - Live TV Channel. | | | Here set Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit. | | buttons.mode | Here select button mode, 0 - Input/App, 1 - Live TV Channel, 2 - Remote Control. | | buttons.reference | Here set Reference, only for Input/App or Live TV Channel mode, in other case leave empty. | | buttons.command | Here select Remote Control command which will be assigned to the button. | | buttons.displayType | Here select display type in HomeKit app, possible 0 - None/Disabled, 1 - Outlet, 2 - Switch.| | buttons.namePrefix | Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for button name.| | sensorPower| If enabled, then the Power will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired if Power ON. | | sensorPixelRefresh| If enabled, then the PoPixel Refresh will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired if Pixel Refresh ON. | | sensorVolume| If enabled, then the Volume will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on every Volume change. | | sensorMute| If enabled, then the Mute will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired if Mmute ON. | | sensorInput| If enabled, then the Input will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on every Input change. | | sensorChannel| If enabled, then the Channel will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on every Channel change. | | sensorSoundMode| If enabled, then the Sound Mode will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on every Sound Mode change, webOS >= 6.0. | | sensorSoundOutput| If enabled, then the Sound Output will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, ffired on every Sound Output change. | | sensorPictureMode| If enabled, then the Picture Mode will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on every Picture Mode change, webOS >= 4.0. | | sensorScreenOnOff| If enabled, then the Screen On/Off will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on Screen OFF, webOS >= 4.0. | | sensorScreenSaver| If enabled, then the Screen Saver will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on Screen Saver ON, webOS >= 4.0. | | sensorPlayState| If enabled, then the Play State will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired on Playing, webOS >= 7.0. | | sensorInputs| Her create custom Inputs sensor, sensors will be exposed as a Contact Sensor, fired if switch to it. | | | Here set own Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit for this sensor. | | sensorInputs.reference | Here set Reference like to be exposed as sensor (active on switch to this Input). | | sensorInputs.displayType | Here select sensor type to be exposed in HomeKit app, possible 0 - None/Disabled, 1 - Motion Sensor, 2 - Occupancy Sensor, 3 - Contact Sensor. | | sensorInputs.namePrefix | Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for sensor name.| | pictureModeControl | Here enable/disable control of picture mode, webOS >= 4.0. | | | Here set own Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit for this sensor. | | pictureModes.reference | Here select mode to be exposed in Homebridge/HomeKit. | | pictureModes.displayType | Here select display type in HomeKit app, possible 0 - None/Disabled, 1 - Outlet, 2 - Switch.| | pictureModes.namePrefix | Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for picture mode.| | soundModeControl | Here enable/disable control of sound mode, webOS >= 6.0. | | | Here set own Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit for this sensor. | | soundModes.reference | Here select mode to be exposed in Homebridge/HomeKit. | | soundModes.displayType | Here select display type in HomeKit app, possible 0 - None/Disabled, 1 - Outlet, 2 - Switch.| | soundModes.namePrefix | Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for sound mode.| | soundOutputControl | Here enable/disable control of sound output. | | | Here set own Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit for this sensor. | | soundOutputs.reference | Here select output to be exposed in Homebridge/HomeKit. | | soundModes.displayType | Here select display type in HomeKit app, possible 0 - None/Disabled, 1 - Outlet, 2 - Switch.| | soundOutputs.namePrefix | Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for sound output.| | volumeControlNamePrefix | Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for volume control name. | | volumeControlName | Here set Your own volume control name or leave empty. | | volumeControl | Here select volume control mode 0 - None/Disabled, 1 - Slider, 2 - Fan. | | turnScreenOnOff | This enable possibility turn the screen ON/OFF, webOS >= 4.0. | | turnScreenSaverOnOff | This enable possibility turn the screen saver ON/OFF, webOS >= 4.0. | | infoButtonCommand | Here select the function of I button in RC app. | | sslWebSocket | If enabled, SSL WebSocket will support TV with new firmware. | | serviceMenu | If enabled, service menu will be available from the input list. | | ezAdjustMenu | If enabled, ez adjust menu will be available from the input list. | | disableTvService | If enabled, TV service will be disabled and prevent display double services if TV already support HomeKit native. | | disableLogDeviceInfo | If enabled, add ability to disable log device info by every connections device to the network. | | disableLogInfo | If enabled, disable log info, all values and state will not be displayed in Homebridge log console. | | disableLogSuccess | If enabled, disable logging device success. | | disableLogWarn | If enabled, disable logging device warnings. | | disableLogError | If enabled, disable logging device error. | | enableDebugMode | If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console. | | restFul | This is RSTful server. | | enable | If enabled, RESTful server will start automatically and respond to any path request. | | port | Here set the listening Port for RESTful server. | | debug | If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console for RESTFul server. | | mqtt | This is MQTT Broker. | | enable | If enabled, MQTT Broker will start automatically and publish all awailable PV data. | | host | Here set the IP Address or Hostname for MQTT Broker. | | port | Here set the Port for MQTT Broker, default 1883. | | clientId | Here optional set the Client Id of MQTT Broker. | | prefix | Here set the Prefix for Topic or leave empty. | | auth | If enabled, MQTT Broker will use authorization credentials. | | user | Here set the MQTT Broker user. | | passwd | Here set the MQTT Broker password. | | debug | If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console for MQTT. | | reference | All can be found in homebridge_directory/lgwebosTv, inputs_xxx file, where reference == id, or channels_xxx file, where reference == channelId. |

RESTFul Integration

  • POST data as a JSON Object {Power: true}, content type must be application/json
  • References:
    • Picture Mode - cinema, eco, expert1, expert2, game, normal, photo, sports, technicolor, vivid, hdrEffect, hdrFilmMaker, hdrCinema, hdrCinemaBright, hdrStandard, hdrEffect, hdrGame, hdrVivid, hdrTechnicolor, hdrExternal, dolbyHdrCinema, dolbyHdrCinemaBright, dolbyHdrDarkAmazon, dolbyHdrStandard, dolbyHdrGame, dolbyHdrVivid.
    • Sound Mode - aiSoundPlus, standard, movie, clearVoice, news, sport, music, game.
    • Sound Output - tv_speaker, external_speaker, external_optical, external_arc, lineout, headphone, tv_external_speaker, tv_external_headphone, bt_soundbar, soundbar.

| Method | URL | Path | Response | Type | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | GET | http//ip:port | systeminfo, softwareinfo, channels, apps, power, audio, currentapp, currentchannel, picturesettings, soundmode, soundoutput, externalinputlist, mediainfo. | {"state": Active} | JSON object. |

| Method | URL | Key | Value | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | POST | http//ip:port | Power | true, false | boolean | Power state. | | | http//ip:port | Input | input reference | string | Set input. | | | http//ip:port | Channel | channel reference | string | Set channel. | | | http//ip:port | Volume | 100 | integer | Set volume. | | | http//ip:port | Mute | true, false | boolean | Set mute. | | | http//ip:port | Brightness | 100 | integer | Set brightness. | | | http//ip:port | Backlight | 100 | integer | Set backlight. | | | http//ip:port | Contrast | 100 | integer | Set contrast. | | | http//ip:port | Color | 100 | integer | Set color. | | | http//ip:port | PictureMode | picture mode reference | string | Set picture mode. | | | http//ip:port | SoundMode | sound mode reference | string | Set sound mode. | | | http//ip:port | SoundOutput | sound output reference | string | Set sound output. | | | http//ip:port | PlayState | play, pause | string | Set media play state. | | | http//ip:port | RcControl | REWIND | string | Send RC command. |

MQTT Integration

  • Subscribe data as a JSON Object {Power: true}
  • References:
    • Picture Mode - cinema, eco, expert1, expert2, game, normal, photo, sports, technicolor, vivid, hdrEffect, hdrFilmMaker, hdrCinema, hdrCinemaBright, hdrStandard, hdrEffect, hdrGame, hdrVivid, hdrTechnicolor, hdrExternal, dolbyHdrCinema, dolbyHdrCinemaBright, dolbyHdrDarkAmazon, dolbyHdrStandard, dolbyHdrGame, dolbyHdrVivid.
    • Sound Mode - aiSoundPlus, standard, movie, clearVoice, news, sport, music, game.
    • Sound Output - tv_speaker, external_speaker, external_optical, external_arc, lineout, headphone, tv_external_speaker, tv_external_headphone, bt_soundbar, soundbar.

| Method | Topic | Message | Type | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Publish | System Info, Software Info, Channels, Apps, Power, Audio, Current App, Current Channel, Picture Settings, Sound Mode, Sound Output, External Input List, Media Info | {"state": Active} | JSON object. |

| Method | Topic | Key | Value | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Subscribe | Set | Power | true, false | boolean | Power state. | | | Set | Input | input reference | string | Set input. | | | Set | Channel | channel reference | string | Set channel. | | | Set | Volume | 100 | integer | Set volume. | | | Set | Mute | true, false | boolean | Set mute. | | | Set | Brightness | 100 | integer | Set brightness. | | | Set | Backlight | 100 | integer | Set backlight. | | | Set | Contrast | 100 | integer | Set contrast. | | | Set | Color | 100 | integer | Set color. | | | Set | PictureMode | picture mode reference | string | Set picture mode. | | | Set | SoundMode | sound mode reference | string | Set sound mode. | | | Set | SoundOutput | sound output reference | string | Set sound output. | | | Set | PlayState | play, pause | string | Set media play state. | | | Set | RcControl | REWIND | string | Send RC command. |