HomeBridge Plugin that establishes a block of sensors related to events on the Jewish Calendar that you may use in your automation projects. Uses an iCal pulled from Hebcal instead of doing calculations locally.
"Jewish Calendar" Plugin
This Plugin creates a series of Contact Switches that you can use in Automation related to the Hebrew Calendar. The calculations are pulled from Hebcal.
Example config.json:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "JewishCalendar"
"name": "Jewish Calendar",
"latitude": 40.7128,
"longitude": -74.0060,
"candlelighting": 18,
"havdalah": 42,
"offset": 0,
"israel": false,
"sheminiatzeret_in_sukkot": false,
"Shabbat": "Shabbes",
"YomTov": "Yom Tov",
"RoshHashana": "Rosh Hashana",
"YomKippur": "Yom Kippur",
"Sukkot": "Sukkot",
"SheminiAtzeret": "Simchat Torah",
"Pesach": "Passover",
"Shavuot": "Shavuot",
"Chanukah": "Hanukkah",
"Kodesh": "Kodesh",
"Mourning": "Mourning",
"Omer": "Omer",
"SefiratOmer": "Sefirat Omer",
"sefiratOmerCustom": "Ashkenazi",
"ThreeWeeks": "Three Weeks",
"threeWeeksCustom": "Ashkenazi",
Explanation of Plugin and Config
The project was originally designed for me to have a better "Shabbat Mode" in Homekit, but for completeness I added some very specific ones. The settings in the Config for the holidays are to change spelling. I use a modern Transliterated spelling, but feel free to replace with Hebrew, Ashkenazi transliterations, English, or whatever language you prefer. If you look in the sample above, you can see a variation of languages.
How to Use in Automations
I use the Home App for building my scenes (to include Homepods), and the Eve App for programing. But any Homekit app should work.
Example of Programming:
Turn the Dining Room on for lunch on all Sabbath and Holidays, except Sukkot. On Sukkot, we turn the Sukkah on instead.
Trigger: Timer: 12:30 PM Conditions: Kodesh: Open Sukkot: Closed Scene: Dining Room Entertaining
Trigger: Timer 12:30 PM Conditions: Kodesh: Closed Sukkot: Closed Scene: Sukkah On
On/Off Settings - the words may be backwards. Contact sensors are open/closed. Eve is a fantastic for editing rules but it terminology felt "backwards" for checking the settings.
Debugging your rules
You can set the Offset to add (negative to subtract) minutes to the date/time to allow you to test rules. This is important if you are testing Shabbat rules and don't want to be using your electronics on Shabbat.
If you want to code your Shabbat rules on Sunday, you can do offset: -1440, and it will run everything as though then.
Hat tip to moshed for the idea, Issue #3 https://github.com/scorpionmit01/homebridge-jewish-calendar/issues/3
Silly but valid examples
Trigger: at Sundown each day Conditions: Chanukah: on
Action: turn on Menorah Outlet
Trigger: at Midnight each day Action: turn off Menorah Outlet
Use: a store/dorm that wants a Hanukkah Menorah to light up their window during Chanukah.
Trigger: at 7:00 AM Conditions: Kodesh: off Mourning: off Action: Scene Good Morning Music
If you come up with clever hacks, feel free to let me know. I mostly disable the rules fired by my motion sensors
Explanations of some Specifics:
Koshesh is true whenever Shabbat or Yom Tov is true. I have it so I can check a single value when disabling routines that run off motion sensors.
Sefirat Omer settings are: Ashkenazi: Pesach 2 -> before Lag B'omer Sephardic: Pesach 2 -> Lag B'omer Iyar: Rosh Chodesh Iyar until Sivan 3 Iyar 2: Iyar 2 until Shavuot
Three Weeks Settings: Ashkenazi: Fast of Tamuz through day after Tisha B'av Fast Sephardic: Rosh Chodesh Av through day after Tisha B'av Fast
Sukkot: is on from beginning of holiday through Shemini Atzeret. If you enable sheminiatzeret_in_sukkot in the config, it will run until Simchat Torah (or end of Shemini Atzeret in Israel). Chol Hamoed is part of this Sensor.
Pesach: runs from beginning of holiday through the end, including Chol Hamoed.