Homebridge plugin for HomeSeer™ https://github.com/RienduPre/homebridge-homeseer
Homebridge plugin for HomeSeer
- Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
- Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-homeseer
- Update your configuration file.
Configuration sample:
// Example:
// "platforms": [
// {
// "platform": "HomeSeer", // Required
// "name": "HomeSeer", // Required
// "host": "", // Required - If you did setup HomeSeer authentication, use "http://user:password@ip_address:port"
// "events":[ // Optional - List of Events - Currently they are imported into HomeKit as switches
// {
// "eventGroup":"My Group", // Required - The HomeSeer event group
// "eventName":"My On Event", // Required - The HomeSeer event name
// "offEventGroup":"My Group", // Optional - The HomeSeer event group for turn-off <event>
// "offEventName":"My Off Event", // Optional - The HomeSeer event name for turn-off <event>
// "name":"Test", // Optional - HomeSeer event name is the default
// "uuid_base":"SomeUniqueId" // Optional - HomeKit identifier will be derived from this parameter instead of the name
// }
// ],
// "accessories":[ // Required - List of Accessories
// {
// "ref":8, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference (To get it, select the HS Device - then Advanced Tab)
// "type":"Lightbulb", // Optional - Lightbulb is the default
// "name":"My Light", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "offValue":"0", // Optional - 0 is the default
// "onValue":"100", // Optional - 100 is the default
// "can_dim":true, // Optional - true is the default - false for a non dimmable lightbulb
// "uuid_base":"SomeUniqueId2", // Optional - HomeKit identifier will be derived from this parameter instead of the name. You SHOULD add this parameter to all accessories !
// "brightnessRef":8, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for the device that holds the brightness level. Default is the same as ref.
// "brightnessMaxValue":254, // Optional - HomeSeer control value for the max brightness level. This will convert HomeKit 0-100% to HomeSeer 0-254. Default is 100.
// "saturationRef":8, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for the device that holds the saturation level. Default is none.
// "saturationMaxValue":254, // Optional - HomeSeer control value for the max saturation level. This will convert HomeKit 0-100% to HomeSeer 0-254. Default is 100.
// "hueRef":8 // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for the device that holds the color. Default is none.
// },
// {
// "ref":9 // This is a dimmable Lightbulb by default (HS control values from 0 to 100)
// },
// {
// "ref":58, // This is a controllable
// "type":"Outlet"
// },
// {
// "ref":111, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference for your sensor
// "type":"TemperatureSensor", // Required for a temperature sensor
// "temperatureUnit":"F", // Optional - C is the default
// "name":"Bedroom temp", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "batteryRef":112, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for the sensor battery level
// "batteryThreshold":15 // Optional - If sensor battery level is below this value, the HomeKit LowBattery characteristic is set to 1. Default is 10
// },
// {
// "ref":34, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference for your sensor
// "type":"SmokeSensor", // Required for a smoke sensor
// "name":"Kichen smoke detector", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "batteryRef":35, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for the sensor battery level
// "batteryThreshold":15, // Optional - If sensor battery level is below this value, the HomeKit LowBattery characteristic is set to 1. Default is 10
// "onValues":[1,1.255] // Optional - List of all HomeSeer values triggering a "ON" sensor state - Default is any value different than 0
// },
// {
// "ref":34, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference for your sensor (Here it's the same device as the SmokeSensor above)
// "type":"CarbonMonoxideSensor", // Required for a carbon monoxide sensor
// "name":"Kichen CO detector", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "batteryRef":35, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for the sensor battery level
// "batteryThreshold":15, // Optional - If sensor battery level is below this value, the HomeKit LowBattery characteristic is set to 1. Default is 10
// "onValues":[2,2.255] // Optional - List of all HomeSeer values triggering a "ON" sensor state - Default is any value different than 0
// },
// {
// "ref":113, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference of the Current Temperature Device
// "type":"Thermostat", // Required for a Thermostat
// "name":"Température Salon", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "temperatureUnit":"C", // Optional - F for Fahrenheit, C for Celsius, C is the default
// "setPointRef":167, // Required - HomeSeer device reference for your thermostat Set Point.
// "setPointReadOnly":true, // Optional - Set to false if your SetPoint is read/write. true is the default
// "stateRef":166, // Required - HomeSeer device reference for your thermostat current state
// "stateOffValues":[0,4,5], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=OFF
// "stateHeatValues":[1], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=HEAT
// "stateCoolValues":[2], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=COOL
// "stateAutoValues":[3], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=AUTO
// "controlRef":168, // Required - HomeSeer device reference for your thermostat mode control (It can be the same as stateRef for some thermostats)
// "controlOffValue":0, // Required - HomeSeer device control value for OFF
// "controlHeatValue":1, // Required - HomeSeer device control value for HEAT
// "controlCoolValue":2, // Required - HomeSeer device control value for COOL
// "controlAutoValue":3, // Required - HomeSeer device control value for AUTO
// "coolingThresholdRef":169, // Optional - Not-implemented-yet - HomeSeer device reference for your thermostat cooling threshold
// "heatingThresholdRef":170 // Optional - Not-implemented-yet - HomeSeer device reference for your thermostat heating threshold
// },
// {
// "ref":200, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference of a garage door opener
// "type":"GarageDoorOpener", // Required for a Garage Door Opener
// "name":"Garage Door", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "stateRef":201, // Required - HomeSeer device reference for your garage door opener current state (can be the same as ref)
// "stateOpenValues":[0], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=OPEN
// "stateClosedValues":[1], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=CLOSED
// "stateOpeningValues":[2], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=OPENING
// "stateClosingValues":[3], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=CLOSING
// "stateStoppedValues":[4], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit state=STOPPED
// "controlRef":201, // Required - HomeSeer device reference for your garage door opener control (can be the same as ref and stateRef)
// "controlOpenValue":0, // Required - HomeSeer device control value for OPEN
// "controlCloseValue":1, // Required - HomeSeer device control value for CLOSE
// "obstructionRef":201, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for your garage door opener obstruction state (can be the same as ref)
// "obstructionValues":[5], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit obstruction state=OBSTRUCTION
// "lockRef":202, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for your garage door lock (can be the same as ref)
// "lockUnsecuredValues":[0], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit lock state=UNSECURED
// "lockSecuredValues":[1], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit lock state=SECURED
// "lockJammedValues":[2], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit lock state=JAMMED
// "unlockValue":0, // Optional - HomeSeer device control value to unlock the garage door opener
// "lockValue":1 // Optional - HomeSeer device control value to lock the garage door opener
// },
// {
// "ref":210, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference of a Lock
// "type":"Lock", // Required for a Lock
// "name":"Main Door Lock", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "lockUnsecuredValues":[0], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit lock state=UNSECURED
// "lockSecuredValues":[1], // Required - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit lock state=SECURED
// "lockJammedValues":[2], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit lock state=JAMMED
// "unlockValue":0, // Required - HomeSeer device control value to unlock
// "lockValue":1 // Required - HomeSeer device control value to lock
// },
// {
// "ref":230, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference of a Security System
// "type":"SecuritySystem", // Required for a security system
// "name":"Home alarm", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "armedStayValues":[0], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit security state=ARMED-STAY
// "armedAwayValues":[1], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit security state=ARMED-AWAY
// "armedNightValues":[2], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit security state=ARMED-NIGHT
// "disarmedValues":[3], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit security state=DISARMED
// "alarmValues":[4], // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit security state=ALARM
// "armStayValue":0, // Required - HomeSeer device control value to arm in stay mode. If you don't have this mode, select any value that arms your system
// "armAwayValue":1, // Required - HomeSeer device control value to arm in away mode. If you don't have this mode, select any value that arms your system
// "armNightValue":2, // Required - HomeSeer device control value to arm in night mode. If you don't have this mode, select any value that arms your system
// "disarmValue":3 // Required - HomeSeer device control value to disarm security system
// },
// {
// "ref":115, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference for a device holding battery level (0-100)
// "type":"Battery", // Required for a Battery
// "name":"Roomba battery", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "batteryThreshold":15 // Optional - If the level is below this value, the HomeKit LowBattery characteristic is set to 1. Default is 10
// },
// {
// "ref":240, // Required - HomeSeer Device Reference for a door - HomeSeer values must go from 0 (closed) to 100 (open)
// "type":"Door", // Required for a Door
// "name":"Main door", // Optional - HomeSeer device name is the default
// "obstructionRef":241, // Optional - HomeSeer device reference for your door obstruction state (can be the same as ref)
// "obstructionValues":[1] // Optional - List of the HomeSeer device values for a HomeKit obstruction state=OBSTRUCTION
// }
// ]
// }
// ],
// - Lightbulb (can_dim, onValue, offValue options)
// - Fan (onValue, offValue options)
// - Switch (onValue, offValue options)
// - Outlet (onValue, offValue options)
// - Thermostat (temperatureUnit, setPoint, state, control options)
// - TemperatureSensor (temperatureUnit=C|F)
// - HumiditySensor (HomeSeer device value in % - batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - LightSensor (HomeSeer device value in Lux - batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - ContactSensor (onValues, batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - MotionSensor (onValues, batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - LeakSensor (onValues, batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - OccupancySensor (onValues, batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - SmokeSensor (onValues, batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - CarbonMonoxideSensor (onValues, batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - CarbonDioxideSensor (onValues, batteryRef, batteryThreshold options)
// - Battery (batteryThreshold option)
// - GarageDoorOpener (state, control, obstruction, lock options)
// - Lock (unsecured, secured, jammed options)
// - SecuritySystem (arm, disarm options)
// - Door (obstruction option)
// - Window (obstruction option)
// - WindowCovering (obstruction option)
The original HomeKit Shim was done by Jean-Michel Joudrier, who did the majority of the hard work.