Framework for easy creation of homebridge plugins.
This framework provides an easy-to-use wrapper for the homebridge API. It aims to only provide the features that are actually needed to develop a plugin. The framework is written in TypeScript and it is recommended to also develop the plugins with this framework in TypeScript. Besides the stripped-down API that this framework provides, it automatically manages accessories, services and characteristics. There is no need to explicitely remove those entities from homebridge. If an accessory/service/characteristic is not "used" at runtime, it is removed from homebridge.
- Declarative syntax
- Automatic registration/deregistration of accessories
- Automatic adding/removing of services
- Automatic adding/removing of characteristics
- Typed configuration
Getting Started
Create a new project and add the framework (homebridge-framework
) as a devDependency
to the NPM package.json
Create a new interface for your configuration. This will be used to access the configuration strongly typed.
export interface MyConfigurationInterface {
myString: string;
In order to use the framework, create a new class that inherits from HomebridgePlatform
import { HomebridgePlatform, Homebridge } from 'homebridge-framework';
import { MyConfigurationInterface } from './my-configuration-interface';
export class MyPlatform extends HomebridgePlatform<MyConfigurationInterface> {
// Overwrite the pluginName property to set the name of your plugin
public get pluginName(): string {
return 'my-plugin-name';
// Overwrite the platformName property to set the name of your platform (used in the config.json file)
public get platformName(): string {
return 'FrameworkSamplePlatform';
// Overwrite the initialize method. You can either return void, or Promise<void> if you have asyncronous calls here.
// "Declare" all your accessories, services and characteristics in this method.
// After the execution of this method, the framework will automatically remove all accessories/services/characteristics that
// have been cached by homebridge but not "declared" while initialization.
public initialize() {
// === declaration of accessories/services/characteristics ===
// "Declare" an accessory that should be exposed
// The accessory ID (second parameter) is used to match the accessory from the cached accessories
const myAccessory = this.useAccessory('My Accessory Name', 'my-accessory-id');
// "Declare" a service for your accessory, e.g. a switch
// The Homebridge class provides access to a static "list" of services
const mySwitch = myAccessory.useService(Homebridge.Services.Switch, 'My Switch Name');
// "Declare" a characteristic for your service, e.g. the on characteristic
// The generic type parameter should match the type of the characteristic
const onCharacteristic = mySwitch.useCharacteristic<boolean>(Homebridge.Characteristics.On);
// === other features ===
// This is how you can easily set accessory information
const myAccessoryInformation = new AccessoryInformation();
myAccessoryInformation.manufacturer = 'Me';
myAccessoryInformation.model = 'My Accessory';
myAccessoryInformation.serialNumber = '123';
myAccessoryInformation.firmwareRevision = '1.1';
myAccessoryInformation.hardwareRevision = '1.0';
// This is how you set the properties of a characteristic (e.g. need for thermostats to set minimum and maximum temperature)
// This is how you access the value of a characteristic
const onCharacteristicValue = onCharacteristic.value;
// This is how you update the value of a characteristic
onCharacteristic.value = true;
// This is how you handle changes of the value made by the HomeKit user
onCharacteristic.valueChanged = newValue => {
// This is how to access the configuration
// === homebridge logging ===
Index file
In order to load the correct platform instance, your main plugin file should look like this:
import { Homebridge } from 'homebridge-framework';
import { MyPlatform } from './my-platform';
module.exports = Homebridge.register(new MyPlatform());