Integrate with the Daikin Cloud to control your Daikin aerothermal device via the cloud
Homebridge Daikin Heat Pump Cloud plugin
This Homebrige plugin connects to the Daikin Cloud and loads your Heat Pump devices to be controled via Homebridge and Homekit.
This plugin will:
- Create a heat pump accesory, that will show current leaving water temperature, heating/cooling mode, offset
- Create a hot water tank accessory, that will show target temperature & current water tank temperature
- Create a temperature accessory that will show current outdoor temperature measured by outdoor heatpump device The plugin supports some basic Daikin airco settings:
- Current room temperature
- Set airco to cooling, heating or auto + the required temperature**
- Set the fan speed
- Swing mode (if supported by your device)
- Enable special modes (if supported by your device and enabled in config):
- powerful mode
- econo mode
- streamer mode
- outdoor silent mode
- indoor silent/quiet mode
** HomeKit does not support all operation modes of Daikin (for example dry and fan only).
Important: NEW Daikin API
Since 2.0.0 this plugin uses the new Daikin API, this comes with some challenges. The most important one: you can only do 200 calls per day. We'll need to see how this plugin can help prevent hitting this limit and in the same time be accurate.
Polling for data
Because of the rate limit we have to be wary with calls to the Daikin API. For this the current polling logic is as follows:
- We poll for new data every 15 minutes by default (set via
config parameter) - When you do an update (for example set the target temperature) we'll do a force update so the new status is represented correctly
Access token or Refresh token is revoked
If something is wrong with your access of refresh token you will need to authorise again. You can do this by deleting the .
file from your Homebridge storage directory, you can find this path in the Homebridge UI System Information widget.
Add config object to the platform array in your Homebridge config.json
"bridge": {
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"platform": "DaikinCloud",
"clientId": "<clientId>",
"clientSecret": "<clientSecret>",
"oidcCallbackServerBindAddr": "<>",
"callbackServerExternalAddress": "<redirectUri address>",
"callbackServerPort": "<redirectUri port>",
"showExtraFeatures": false, // boolean, default: false
"excludedDevicesByDeviceId": [], // array of strings, find you deviceId in the logs when homekit starts
"updateIntervalInMinutes": 15, // how fast do you want Daikin to poll for new Device data, default: 15
Get config parameters
The following parameters are required:
- clientId
- clientSecret
- callbackServerExternalAddress
- callbackServerPort
First 2 values you will get when you set up your App in the Daikin Europe Developer Portal. The last 2 values make the Redirect URI where the Daikin Cloud API will send the tokens to.
Create an App in the Daikin Europe Developer Portal
- Go to https://developer.cloud.daikineurope.com/
- In the upper right corner click your name and select "My Apps"
- Click "+ New App"
- Fill in your application name, auth strategy (Onecta OIDC) and redirect URI (see "callbackServerExternalAddress and callbackServerPort" below)
- Click create
You will receive a Client ID and Client Secret (keep it with you, you'll only see it once). The Redirect URI is the one you entered in step 4.
callbackServerExternalAddress and callbackServerPort
This plugin uses daikin-controller-cloud. This package will set up a small https server where the Authentication flow will finish, so it can get the required tokens. Because the server is running in our Homebridge instance the callbackServerExternalAddress will match the one of your Homebridge instance, the port is any free port.
For example is you are running Homebridge on a Raspberry Pi with IP
and port 51826
, the callbackServerExternalAddress will be
The callbackServerPort can be 51827
(or any other free port). Once you have both you can also construct the Redirect URI you need to configure your Daikin
app: https://<callbackServerExternalAddress>:<callbackServerPort>
. For this example:
This is the address the http server binds to, this is often just localhost:
Fan speed
You can change the fan speed from the accessory settings screen.
Daikin fan speeds are expressed in a number from 1 to many, for example 1 to 5. In Home you need to express the fan speed in a percentage from 1% to 100%.
Example: if you have a Daikin airco with fan speed 1 to 5, you need to set the fan speed to 50% in Home to set the fan speed to 3 on your airco.
Swing mode
If your Daikin device support it you can enable swing mode from the accessory settings screen.
If your device supports vertical and horizontal swing both will be started and stopped. Via the Daikin app you can also have a silent swing, this is not yet supported because you can't select this from the Home app.
Control extra features (showExtraFeatures: true)
By default, this plugin creates a default HeaterCooler Service with the above possibilities. If you want you can add showExtraFeatures: true
to the config. This will create extra switches to enable more special modes of your Daikin (if available).
- Streamer mode
- Econo mode
- Powerful mode
- Outdoor silent mode
- Indoor silent/quiet mode
Extra info and example: https://github.com/JeroenVdb/homebridge-daikin-cloud/issues/8#issuecomment-1188128335
You will be able to:
Turn on/off heat pump or water tank
Change Heat Pump mode (heating/cooling)
Set temperature offset for heating/cooling
Set temperature offset for hot watwer tank
Plugin settings
- You can disable on/off function
- You can disable hot water tank accessory (may be needed, if you don't own hot water tank device)
- You can disable outdoor temperature settings (may be needed, if you don't own hot water tank device)
Daikin doesn't provide target Heater/Cooler temperature. So the temperature shown in this accessory is current leaving water temperature & target temperature is offset.
Current acessory state doesnt reflect if your device is idle/heating/cooling, because daikin doesn't provide this information (we only know the target state).
Even if you set "Disable on/off switch", you are still able to switch devices on/off in homebridge accessory page (it works fine in ios home).
Add config object to the platform array in your Homebridge config.json
"bridge": {
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"platform": "DaikinCloudAerothermal",
"HotWaterTank": false, // true or false (boolean), default: false
"OutdoorTemperature": true, // true or false (boolean), default: true
"DisableOnOff": false // true or false (boolean), default false
Tested with devices
- EHVX08S23EJ6V (BRP069A78 wifi module)
Tested with devices
Devices supported by Daikin Onecta app: https://www.daikin.eu/en_us/product-group/control-systems/onecta/connectable-units.html
- BRP069C4x
- BRP069A8x
- BRP069A78 - Altherma heatpump, we import this as a HeaterCooler (to be validated)
In HomeKit you expose an accessory which has one or more services, available services are:
- https://developer.apple.com/documentation/homekit/hmservice/accessory_service_types (HomeKit docs)
- https://developers.homebridge.io/#/service (Homebridge)
Each service has one or more characteristics, check both HomeKit and Homebridge docs to find out which are compatible. A service can have multiple child services, for example a HeaterCooler service can also have multiple Switch services. But not all services can be combined. Use HomeKit Accessory Simulator to find out which are compatible or via the HomeKit docs you can also find links from the service to other services.
For running a local Homebridge setup: https://github.com/oznu/homebridge-config-ui-x#installation-instructions
sudo hb-service start
sudo hb-service stop
UI: http://localhost:8581
This project is forked from https://github.com/FrAcTi0N/homebridge-daikin-cloud-heat-pump, which in turn was forked from https://github.com/JeroenVdb/homebridge-daikin-cloud, so special credits go to @FrAcTi0N and @JeroenVdb
Credits for the Daikin Cloud API goes to @Apollon77 for https://github.com/Apollon77/daikin-controller-cloud