Command plugin for HomeBridge
CLI plug-in for HomeBridge
By default homebridge-commander will execute the command listed in config.json with default arguments. The default arguments are the name of the command (given name from config.json), the type of command (powerstate, brightness, etc.) the action (get or set), and the value (only with set command).
See ExampleScript.sh in the example directory. This script can be used for all commands configurated. It is possible to have a seperate script for each command.
Command call:
cmd command_name command_type action value
ExampleScript.sh SwitchName powerstate set true
The arguments can be turned off by setting the no_arg value to true
Supported types (More will be added soon)
- Switch
- Lightbulb
- Outlet
- Speaker
- Window Cover
- Temperature Sensor
- Humidity Sensor
Config.json settings
Platform config settings. See config.json in the example directory.
"platforms": [
"platform": "commander",
"name": "PlatformName",
"commands": [{
"name" : "command_name",
"type" : one of the following:
"cmd" : "path to command or command"
"no_arg" : false
"updaterate" : 5000
| Setting | Description | Required |
| ------------- | --- | --- |
| "platform"
| Should be set to "commander" | yes |
| "name"
| Platform name changeable for user | yes |
| "commands
| List of commands | yes |
| "name"
| User given name of the command | yes |
| "type"
| Which type the command needs to appear in HomeKit | yes |
| "cmd"
| Executed command (can be bash script) | yes |
| "no_arg"
| Let the plugin execute the command without arguments. Default false when not listed | no |
| "updaterate"
| Update rate to get status in miliseconds (default 5000) | no |
Switch has no additional settings.
Switch has the following command_types config:
| command_types | get | set | description |
| ------------- | --- | --- | ----------- |
| powerstate
| X | X | true for on |
Example of a switch command:
"commands": [{
"name": "SwitchName",
"type": "switch",
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh"
Set the listed settings to true to have them active in Homekit
Lightbulb supports hue and saturation or colortemperture. When hue or saturation is set to true colortemperature will be disabled.
Use the Hue and Saturation for color settings and Color Temperature for ambient settings.
"brightness" : true,
"hue" : true,
"saturation" : true,
"brightness" : true,
"colortemperature" : true,
Lightbulb has the following command_types :
| command_types | get | set | description |
| ------------- | --- | --- | ----------- |
| powerstate
| X | X | true for on |
| brightness
| X | X | brightness in 0-100% |
| hue
| X | X | hue in 0-360 arcdegrees |
| saturation
| X | X | saturation in 0-100% |
| colortemperature
| X | X | color temperature 50-400 MK |
Example of a lightbulb command config (without Color Temperature):
"commands": [{
"name": "LightBulbName",
"type": "lightbulb",
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh"
"brightness" : true,
"hue" : true,
"saturation" : true,
Outlet has no additional settings.
Outlet has the following command_types :
| command_types | get | set | description |
| ------------- | --- | --- | ----------- |
| powerstate
| X | X | true for on |
| outletinuse
| X | - | true for in use |
Example of a switch command config:
"commands": [{
"name": "OutletName",
"type": "outlet",
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh"
Set the listed settings to true to have them active in Homekit
"volume" : true,
Speaker has the following command_types :
| command_types | get | set | description |
| ------------- | --- | --- | ----------- |
| mute
| X | X | true for mute |
| volume
| X | X | volume in 0-100 |
Example of a speaker command config:
"commands": [{
"name": "SpeakerName",
"type": "speaker",
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh"
"volume" : true,
Window Cover
Set the listed settings to true to have them active in Homekit
"holdposition" : true,
"targethorizontaltiltangle" : true,
"targetverticaltiltangle" : true,
"currenthorizontaltiltangle" : true,
"currentverticaltiltangle" : true,
"obstructiondetected" : true
Window Cover has the following command_types :
| command_types | get | set | description |
| ------------- | --- | --- | ----------- |
| currentposition
| X | - | position in 0-100% |
| targetposition
| X | X | position in 0-100% |
| positionstate
| X | - | 0 = to min, 1 = to max, 2 = stopped |
| holdposition
| - | X | true to hold |
| targethorizontaltiltangle
| X | X | angle in -90-90 arcdegrees |
| targetverticaltiltangle
| X | X | angle in -90-90 arcdegrees |
| currenthorizontaltiltangle
| X | - | angle in -90-90 arcdegrees |
| currentverticaltiltangle
| X | - | angle in -90-90 arcdegrees |
| obstructiondetected
| X | - | true on detection |
Example of a window cover command config:
"commands": [{
"name": "WindowCoveringName",
"type": "windowcovering",
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh",
"holdposition" : true,
"targethorizontaltiltangle" : true,
"targetverticaltiltangle" : true,
"currenthorizontaltiltangle" : true,
"currentverticaltiltangle" : true,
"obstructiondetected" : true
Temperature Sensor
Set the listed settings to true to have them active in Homekit
"statusactive" : true,
"statusfault" : true,
"statuslowbattery" : true,
"statustampered" : true
Temperature sensor has the following command_types :
| command_types | get | set | description |
| ------------- | --- | --- | ----------- |
| currenttemperature
| X | - | temperature in 0-100 in degrees Celsius |
| statusactive
| X | - | true for active |
| statusfault
| X | - | 0 = no fault, 1 = general fault |
| statuslowbattery
| X | - | 0 = normal, 1 = low battery |
| statustampered
| X | - | 0 = not tampered, 1 = tampered |
Example of a temperature sensor command config:
"commands": [{
"name": "TemperatureSensor",
"type": "temperaturesensor",
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh",
"statusactive" : true,
"statusfault" : true,
"statuslowbattery" : true,
"statustampered" : true,
Humidity Sensor
Set the listed settings to true to have them active in Homekit
"statusactive" : true,
"statusfault" : true,
"statuslowbattery" : true,
"statustampered" : true
Humidity sensor has the following command_types :
| command_types | get | set | description |
| ------------- | --- | --- | ----------- |
| currentrelativehumidity
| X | - | current relative humidity in 0-100% |
| statusactive
| X | - | true for active |
| statusfault
| X | - | 0 = no fault, 1 = general fault |
| statuslowbattery
| X | - | 0 = normal, 1 = low battery |
| statustampered
| X | - | 0 = not tampered, 1 = tampered |
Example of a humidity sensor command config:
"commands": [{
"name": "HumiditySensor",
"type": "humiditysensor",
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh",
"statusactive" : true,
"statusfault" : true,
"statuslowbattery" : true,
"statustampered" : true,
Custom Service
Adding the option "custom" to a command extra settings can be added. Only settings which are not already standard for the selected type can be added. The used arguments etc. are based on the arguments where this extra setting is supported.
With the custom option, services could be created which are not supported by HomeKit!
See the config.json and Examplescript for a starting point to add custom options.
Example where a standard speaker has a powerstate setting:
"commands": [{
"name": "SpeakerCustomName",
"type": "speaker",
"custom": true,
"volume": true,
"powerstate": true,
"cmd" : "~/ExampleScript.sh"