Client for Homeassistant's websocket API
Minimalist client library for Homeassistant's Websocket API. Works in node, and also in the browser.
Using npm
$ npm i --save homeassistant-ws
Import it in your project:
import hass from 'homeassistant-ws';
async function main() {
// Assuming hass running in `localhost`, under the default `8321` port:
const client = await hass({
token: 'my-secret-token',
Tokens are available from your profile page under the Homeassistant UI. For documentation on the authentication API, see the official HA documentation.
Configuration options
The following properties (shown with their defaults) can be passed to the constructor. All are optional.
protocol: 'ws',
host: 'localhost',
port: 8123,
path: '/api/websocket',
// Must be set if HA expects authentication:
token: null,
// Used to serialize outgoing messages:
messageSerializer: (outgoingMessage) => JSON.stringify(outgoingMessage),
// Used to parse incoming messages. Receives the entire Websocket message object:
messageParser: (incomingMessage) => JSON.parse(incomingMessage.data),
// Should return a WebSocket instance
ws: (opts) => {
return new WebSocket(
The following example includes all available methods. For more details on available Homeassistant event types, states, etc. see the official Websocket API
import hass from 'hass';
async function main() {
// Establishes a connection, and authenticates if necessary:
const client = await hass({ token: 'my-token' });
// Get a list of all available states, panels or services:
await client.getStates();
await client.getServices();
await client.getPanels();
// Get hass configuration:
await client.getConfig();
// Get a Buffer containing the current thumbnail for the given media player
await client.getMediaPlayerThumbnail('media_player.my_player');
// { content_type: 'image/jpeg', content: Buffer<...>}
// Get a Buffer containing a thumbnail for the given camera
await client.getCameraThumbnail('camera.front_yard');
// { content_type: 'image/jpeg', content: Buffer<...>}
// Call a service, by its domain and name. The third argument is optional.
await client.callService('lights', 'turn_on', {
entity_id: 'light.my_light',
// Listen for all HASS events - the 'message' event is a homeassistant-ws event triggered for
// all messages received through the websocket connection with HASS:
// See https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/api/websocket/ for details on HASS events:
client.on('message', (rawMessageData) => {
// Listen only for state changes:
client.on('state_changed', (stateChangedEvent) => {