HOHM Sleeping Pods
- Hohm.life
- Build
To run a production build sudo ionic cordova build browser --prod --release
To clear our prod build dir, build, then move our build artifacts to our prod dir: rm -r ../appserver/src/main/resources/static/book/* sudo ionic cordova build browser --prod --release cp -r ./platforms/browser/www/ ../appserver/src/main/resources/static/book/
This was the command in Ionic v3 sudo ionic build browser --prod --minifyjs --minifycss --aot
To Consider --browserify Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime
- Package
We now publish select files to npm for code sharing across products! Note this is the purpose of the .npmignore file; note that we first exclude all files (using "*") then selectively include files one by one, using the negation ("!") operator.
To test: npm pack To publish: npm publish
- Dev
To generate a settings page ionic generate page pages/settings To generate a site component ionic generate component components/site
- Testing
To test mobile web on your device, first determine your local IP address (on Mac, use the Network Utility app) then run your local server with devapp enabled to make it accessible: ionic serve --devapp makes your local server discoverable on your mobile device! Now, assuming your computer and phone are both on the same network (e.g. both connected to WiFi) you should be able to access your local server in your mobile browser at your computer’s IP address and the port your localhost is serving, e.g.
To test Cordova Plugins (e.g. Stripe payments) First add the Browser as a plaftform ionic cordova platform add browser Run the browser platform (not using "ionic serve") ionic cordova run browser --livereload which under the hood will run ng run app:ionic-cordova-serve --host=localhost --platform=browser
- Ops
Generating Favicons Can use the source image at resources/source_images/favicon.png http://www.favicomatic.com/
- Troubleshooting
SCSS Parsing Error If you get an error along the lines of: Module parse failed: Unterminated string constant (1:17) [ng] You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. then (assuming your SCSS is not actually malformed) I highly recommend checking for errant (likely invisible) characters that may not appear in the IDE. Paste your styles into an SCSS linting tool: https://www.sassmeister.com/ And any unwanted characters should appear conspicuously in red.
Angular Forms Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form' You may need to import FormsModule (and possibly also ReactiveFormsModule) into the given module from '@angular/forms'.
- Bug Reporting Protocol
Device info: OS and version, make and model of phone / computer, what browser were you using / was it the mobile version / (soon) was it the PWA?
Repro steps - clear and specific, numbered, and always including the following what I did, result, and what I expected to happen: what I did:
- Click the ‘login’ button in the header at the top right of your screen
- start typing your email address result: After I typed my first character, an alert showed up with the text “you’re a window shopping scrub” what I expected to happen: I can enter my email address without my feelings being hurt by a mean alert message.
Reproducibiity - e.g. 3/5 (how many times it failed and how many times you tried - ideally it was tested at least 5 times to see if it happens every time (“100% repro”) or 2/5 (“40% repro”) or only 1/5 like it happened for you once
screenshot(s) of the issue, hopefully taken at the exact moment of error - show me what’s wrong with the UI, or in any case exactly what the user saw when they realized “something’s wrong.”
date and time it happened (if screenshot, no need, as it’s timestamped)
Dev tools and our local log: a. check out Dev Tools (if using Desktop) - was anything output to the console? Let us know. b. check out our new analytics, written to LocalStorage; you can either check this directly in Dev Tools or go to the Help Page, then expand the final FAQ, then click its text. An alert should show the local log - if you can copy the text in the alert, try to screenshot it; it might be pretty long, so if it is, then just try to take screenshots of the first few pages of log entries.
any extra circumstances? Earthquake? Power outage? Smelly person? Anything that made you feel weird / odd / gave you any specific feeling at all?