Consistent logging for hmpo apps
Consistent logging for hmpo apps
Top level logging configuration:
var hmpoLogger = require('hmpo-logger');
var app = require('express')();
Logging messages:
var logger = require('hmpo-logger').get();
logger.log('error', 'This is an error', err);
logger.warn('This is a warning');
logger.warn('This is an %s warning', 'interpolated');'This is just info with :meta', {meta: 'metavalue'});':method :url took :responseTime ms and was res[content-length] bytes', {req, res});
logger.log('info', 'response :responseText', { responseText: logger.trimHtml(htmlBody, 100)});
Note: Try to include req
in your log metadata where possible to decorate your log entries with info about the current express request
Get a named logger. The name places in the label
log property and is prepended to the console log entry messages.
If name is ommited it is guessed from the nearest package.json file found in the calling package.
If name begins with a colon it is appended to the guessed name.
Returns a winston
logger.trimHtml(text, maxLength)
Trim tags out of an HTML string to help with more concise HTML error response logging. Defaults to a maxLength
of 400.
Returns a string, or passes through text
if not a string.
Initialise the logger at the top level of the app, specifying the log locations and logging levels of three pre-defined transports: console, app, and error.
Note: configure the logger as early as possible in code before the logger gets used to avoid config issues.
var hmpoLogger = require('hmpo-logger');
hmpoLogger.config({ // defaults:
// shortcuts to auto-configure console and logfile transports
console: true,
consoleLevel: 'debug',
connsoleJSON: false, // logstash json or pretty print output
consoleColor: true,
app: undefined, // can be app log filename
appLevel: 'info',
error: undefined, // can be error log filename
errorLevel: 'error',
dateRotate: false,
maxFiles: 5,
// explicitly configured transports:
transports: [],
// metadata to add to all log lines
meta: {
host: 'host',
pm: 'env.pm_id',
sessionID: 'sessionID',
method: 'method',
request: 'request'
// metadata to add to `request` level logs
requestMeta: {
clientip: 'clientip',
uniqueID: 'req.x-uniq-id',
remoteAddress: 'connection.remoteAddress',
hostname: 'hostname',
port: 'port',
response: 'statusCode',
responseTime: 'responseTime',
httpversion: 'version',
bytes: 'res.content-length'
// catch unhandled exceptions and log them to the transports
handleExceptions: true,
// fine grain control for how requests are logged by the middleware method
format: ':clientip :sessionID :method :request HTTP/:httpVersion :statusCode :res[content-length] - :responseTime ms',
logPublicRequests: false,
publicPattern: '/public/',
logHealthcheckRequests: false,
healthcheckPattern: '^/healthcheck(/|$)'
Returns hmpoLogger
Log incomming requests from an express
var hmpoLogger = require('hmpo-logger');
var app = require('express')();
Returns express compatible middleware
Rotating Logfiles
The config supports rotation based on the date using the File
dateRotate: true,
maxFiles: 5, // keep 5 rotated files
The names of the log files will include the year, month, and day and will be based on the log filename, eg:
Additional transport options
In addition to the config shortcuts for console, app and error logs, app options can be specified in option objects:
consoleOptions: { // Console transport options
formatterOptions: { color: true }
appOptions: { // File transport options
eol: '\t\n',
errorOptions: { // File transport options
level: 'fatal
If the app and error loggers have the same filename they will be merged into a single File
Alternatively transports can be specified programatically:
transports: [
name: 'My transport', // used in debugging logs
level: 'info', // log at this level and above
className: 'FileTransport',
// or specify a filename:
filename: 'file.log',
// or it will defaults to ConsoleTransport
// logstash formatter
formatter: 'logstash',
formatterOptions: {
maxLength: 500,
maxObjects: 10,
circular: '[circular]',
indent: 4
// pretty print formatter
formatter: 'pretty',
formatterOptions: {
color: true
// other `util.inspect` options
// raw json formatter
formatter: 'json',
formatterOptions: {
indent: 2
// other Console options:
eol: '\n\r',
// other File options:
fileMode: 0o666,
dateRotate: true,
maxFiles: 3,
eol: '\n'
new transports can be added using hmpoLogger.addTransportClass(Class, name)
and new formatters can be added with hmpoLogger.addFormatter(formatterFnFactory, name)