HMH Habitat Widget Editor Generator
Habitat Widgets Editor Screen Generator
Script utility to auto generate the Habitat Widget Editor Screens. Given a JSON schema definition, this tool will automatically render a standard user interface.
This tool was originally authored by Nikolas Stratis. It is currently maintained by the HMH Montreal CE Team.
Make sure you have installed grunt, node, and bower.
// install node first, then verify and install grunt and bower
npm -v
npm install -g grunt bower
...and also install ruby (Windows) and sass (on Windows, once ruby installed and confirmed working with ruby -v
, type in CMD: gem install sass
On Windows, you may need to play with the temp
directory settings to make sure it's writeable.
Add HMH npm registry to pull @hmh dependencies:
npm set @hmh:registry
Install the required Node modules:
npm install
Clone the third party dependencies and web-components repo:
grunt init
Launch the development server
If scss-lint has found errors and is stopping your build.
grunt --force
To skip the scss lint entirely (in case you dont have installed the requirements)
grunt nolint
Minify JS and CSS distribuable files
grunt minify
The development server will open the file examples/index.html.
The latest distributable files are found in the dist folder. Copy those files in you program's shared folder.
For production, you can use the minified files only, those with extension .min.js and .min.css.
The Base64 encoding module is optional.
Unit tests
You need mocha
and chromedriver
installed globally to run:
npm install mocha chromedriver -g
npm install
Run tests as:
npm test
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All Rights Reserved. No unauthorised copying or distribution of this codebase in part or as a whole is permitted.