An API forwarding module based on the combination of autoItX and NAPI (Node-API, C) provides a seamless solution without the need for recompilation or the use of "ffi" magic. It ensures high security and efficiency.
基于autoItX 与napi( node-api(C) )结合的api转发模块,无需再次编译,也无需使用ffi魔法,安全高效
An API forwarding module based on the combination of autoItX and NAPI (Node-API, C) provides a seamless solution without the need for recompilation or the use of "ffi" magic. It ensures high security and efficiency.
| API 名称 | 用途 | description | 完成度 | 类型重定向 | 测试 |
| ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | ---------- | ---- |
| Init | 初始化AutoItX,通常在开始使用AutoItX函数之前调用 | Initializes the AutoItX library. | OK | 1 | |
| error | 获取上一次AutoItX函数调用返回的错误代码 | Retrieves the error code from the last AutoItX function call. | OK | 1 | |
| AutoItSetOption | 设置AutoIt的选项,可以用来配置AutoIt的一些行为 | Sets various options for AutoItX, such as timeout and behavior. | OK | 1 | |
| ClipGet | 获取剪贴板的内容 | Retrieves the content of the Windows clipboard. | OK | 1 | |
| ClipPut | 将文本放入剪贴板 | Puts text into the Windows clipboard. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlClick | 模拟控件的点击操作 | Simulates a mouse click on a specified control (button, checkbox, etc.) in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlClickByHandle | 使用控件句柄模拟控件的点击操作 | Same as AU3_ControlClick
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlCommand | 发送命令给控件,比如选择列表中的项、设置复选框状态等 | Sends a command to a control (button, checkbox, radio button, etc.) in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlCommandByHandle | 使用控件句柄发送命令给控件 | Same as AU3_ControlCommand
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlListView | 操作ListView控件 | Sends commands to a ListView control (such as list items selection) in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlListViewByHandle | 使用控件句柄操作ListView控件 | Same as AU3_ControlListView
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlDisable | 禁用控件 | Disables a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlDisableByHandle | 使用控件句柄禁用控件 | Same as AU3_ControlDisable
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlEnable | 启用控件 | Enables a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlEnableByHandle | 使用控件句柄启用控件 | Same as AU3_ControlEnable
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlFocus | 将焦点设置到控件上 | Sets focus to a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlFocusByHandle | 使用控件句柄将焦点设置到控件上 | Same as AU3_ControlFocus
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetFocus | 获取当前具有焦点的控件句柄 | Retrieves the handle of the control with focus. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetFocusByHandle | 使用控件句柄获取当前具有焦点的控件句柄 | Same as AU3_ControlGetFocus
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetHandle | 获取控件句柄 | Retrieves the handle of a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetHandleAsText | 获取控件句柄并返回为文本 | Retrieves the handle of a control in a window as text. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetPos | 获取控件的位置和尺寸 | Retrieves the position and size of a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetPosByHandle | 使用控件句柄获取控件的位置和尺寸 | Same as AU3_ControlGetPos
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetText | 获取控件的文本内容 | Retrieves the text from a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlGetTextByHandle | 使用控件句柄获取控件的文本内容 | Same as AU3_ControlGetText
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlHide | 隐藏控件 | Hides a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlHideByHandle | 使用控件句柄隐藏控件 | Same as AU3_ControlHide
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlMove | 移动控件到指定位置 | Moves a control within a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlMoveByHandle | 使用控件句柄移动控件到指定位置 | Same as AU3_ControlMove
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlSend | 向控件发送按键输入 | Sends keystrokes to a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlSendByHandle | 使用控件句柄向控件发送按键输入 | Same as AU3_ControlSend
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlSetText | 设置控件的文本内容 | Sets the text of a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlSetTextByHandle | 使用控件句柄设置控件的文本内容 | Sets the text of a control in a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlShow | 显示控件 | Shows a control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlShowByHandle | 使用控件句柄显示控件 | Shows a control in a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlTreeView | 操作TreeView控件 | Sends commands to a TreeView control in a window. | OK | 1 | |
| ControlTreeViewByHandle | 使用控件句柄操作TreeView控件 | Same as AU3_ControlTreeView
but uses a handle instead of window and control IDs. | OK | 1 | |
| DriveMapAdd | 映射本地驱动器到网络共享路径 | Maps a network drive. | OK | 1 | |
| DriveMapDel | 取消驱动器映射 | Unmaps a network drive. | OK | 1 | |
| DriveMapGet | 获取驱动器映射的信息 | Retrieves the mapping of a network drive. | OK | 1 | |
| IsAdmin | 检查当前用户是否有管理员权限 | Checks if the current process is running with administrative privileges. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseClick | 模拟鼠标点击 | Simulates a mouse click at the current cursor position. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseClickDrag | 模拟鼠标点击并拖动 | Simulates dragging the mouse between two points. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseDown | 模拟鼠标按下 | Simulates pressing a mouse button. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseGetCursor | 获取鼠标当前的光标样式 | Retrieves the mouse cursor's current shape. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseGetPos | 获取鼠标当前位置 | Retrieves the current position of the mouse cursor. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseMove | 移动鼠标到指定位置 | Moves the mouse cursor to a specified position. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseUp | 模拟鼠标释放 | Simulates releasing a mouse button. | OK | 1 | |
| MouseWheel | 模拟鼠标滚轮滚动 | Simulates scrolling the mouse wheel. | OK | 1 | |
| Opt | 设置AutoIt选项 | Sets options for AutoItX | OK | 1 | |
| PixelChecksum | 获取屏幕区域的像素校验和 | Calculates a checksum of a region of pixels on the screen. | OK | 1 | |
| PixelGetColor | 获取屏幕上指定位置的像素颜色 | Retrieves the color of a pixel at a specified position. | OK | 1 | |
| PixelSearch | 在屏幕上搜索指定颜色的像素 | Searches for a pixel of a specific color in a region of the screen. | OK | 1 | |
| ProcessClose | 关闭进程 | Closes a specified process. | OK | 1 | |
| ProcessExists | 检查进程是否存在 | Checks if a specified process exists. | OK | 1 | |
| ProcessSetPriority | 设置进程的优先级 | Sets the priority of a specified process. | OK | 1 | |
| ProcessWait | 等待进程的出现 | Waits for a specified process to exist. | OK | 1 | |
| ProcessWaitClose | 等待进程的结束 | Waits for a specified process to close. | OK | 1 | |
| Run | 用于运行外部程序或执行系统命令 | Runs an external program or opens a document. | OK | 1 | |
| RunWait | 运行外部程序并等待其完成 | Runs an external program and waits for it to complete. | OK | 1 | |
| RunAs | 以其他用户的身份运行外部程序 | Runs an external program with different credentials (as a different user). | OK | 1 | |
| RunAsWait | 以其他用户的身份运行外部程序并等待其完成 | Runs an external program with different credentials and waits for it to complete. | OK | 1 | |
| Send | 向活动窗口发送按键输入 | Sends simulated keystrokes. | OK | 1 | |
| Shutdown | 关闭或重启系统 | Shuts down, restarts, or logs off the computer. | OK | 1 | |
| Sleep | 在脚本中加入暂停/延迟 | Pauses the script for a specified number of milliseconds. | OK | 1 | |
| StatusbarGetText | 获取状态栏的文本内容 | Retrieves the text from the status bar of a window. | OK | 1 | |
| StatusbarGetTextByHandle | 使用控件句柄获取状态栏的文本内容 | Retrieves the text from the status bar of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| ToolTip | 显示一个提示框,通常用于在屏幕上显示临时的提示信息 | Creates a tooltip with the specified text at the current mouse position or on a specific control. | OK | 1 | |
| WinActivate | 激活指定的窗口 | Activates a window by title or window handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinActivateByHandle | 使用窗口句柄激活指定的窗口 | Activates a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinActive | 检查指定的窗口是否处于活动状态 | Checks if a window is currently active by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinActiveByHandle | 使用窗口句柄检查指定的窗口是否处于活动状态 | Checks if a window is currently active using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinClose | 关闭指定的窗口 | Closes a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinCloseByHandle | 使用窗口句柄关闭指定的窗口 | Closes a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinExists | 检查指定的窗口是否存在 | Checks if a window exists by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinExistsByHandle | 使用窗口句柄检查指定的窗口是否存在 | Checks if a window exists using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetCaretPos | 获取当前光标的位置 | Retrieves the position of the caret in the active window. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetClassList | 获取指定窗口的类名列表 | Retrieves a list of classes used by a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetClassListByHandle | 使用窗口句柄获取指定窗口的类名列表 | Retrieves a list of classes used by a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetClientSize | 获取指定窗口客户区的尺寸 | Retrieves the client area's size of a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetClientSizeByHandle | 使用窗口句柄获取指定窗口客户区的尺寸 | Retrieves the client area's size of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetHandle | 获取指定窗口的句柄 | Retrieves the handle of a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetHandleAsText | 获取指定窗口的句柄并返回为文本 | Retrieves the handle of a window by title as text. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetPos | 获取指定窗口的位置和尺寸 | Retrieves the position and size of a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetPosByHandle | 使用窗口句柄获取指定窗口的位置和尺寸 | Retrieves the position and size of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetProcess | 获取指定窗口的进程ID | Retrieves the process ID of a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetProcessByHandle | 使用窗口句柄获取指定窗口的进程ID | Retrieves the process ID of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetState | 获取指定窗口的状态 | Retrieves the state of a window by title (minimized, maximized, etc.). | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetStateByHandle | 使用窗口句柄获取指定窗口的状态 | Retrieves the state of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetText | 获取指定窗口的文本内容 | Retrieves the text from a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetTextByHandle | 使用窗口句柄获取指定窗口的文本内容 | Retrieves the text from a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetTitle | 获取指定窗口的标题 | Retrieves the title of a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinGetTitleByHandle | 使用窗口句柄获取指定窗口的标题 | Retrieves the title of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinKill | 强制关闭指定的窗口 | Forces a window to close by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinKillByHandle | 使用窗口句柄强制关闭指定的窗口 | Forces a window to close using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinMenuSelectItem | 选择窗口的菜单项 | Selects an item from a menu in a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinMenuSelectItemByHandle | 使用窗口句柄选择窗口的菜单项 | Selects an item from a menu in a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinMinimizeAll | 最小化所有窗口 | Minimizes all windows. | OK | 1 | |
| WinMinimizeAllUndo | 恢复最小化的窗口 | Undoes the effect of AU3_WinMinimizeAll
. | OK | 1 | |
| WinMove | 移动指定窗口到指定位置 | Moves and/or resizes a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinMoveByHandle | 使用窗口句柄移动指定窗口到指定位置 | Moves and/or resizes a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetOnTop | 设置指定窗口在其他窗口之上 | Sets a window to be always on top by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetOnTopByHandle | 使用窗口句柄设置指定窗口在其他窗口之上 | Sets a window to be always on top using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetState | 设置指定窗口的状态(最大化、最小化、正常等) | Sets the state of a window by title (minimize, maximize, etc.). | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetStateByHandle | 使用窗口句柄设置指定窗口的状态 | Sets the state of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetTitle | 设置指定窗口的标题 | Sets the title of a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetTitleByHandle | 使用窗口句柄设置指定窗口的标题 | Sets the title of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetTrans | 设置指定窗口的透明度 | Sets the transparency level of a window by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinSetTransByHandle | 使用窗口句柄设置指定窗口的透明度 | Sets the transparency level of a window using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWait | 等待指定的窗口出现 | Waits for a window to exist by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWaitByHandle | 使用窗口句柄等待指定的窗口出现 | Waits for a window to exist using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWaitActive | 等待指定的窗口处于活动状态 | Waits for a window to be active by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWaitActiveByHandle | 使用窗口句柄等待指定的窗口处于活动状态 | Waits for a window to be active using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWaitClose | 等待指定的窗口关闭 | Waits for a window to close by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWaitCloseByHandle | 使用窗口句柄等待指定的窗口关闭 | Waits for a window to close using its handle. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWaitNotActive | 等待指定的窗口不处于活动状态 | Waits for a window to be not active by title. | OK | 1 | |
| WinWaitNotActiveByHandle | 使用窗口句柄等待指定的窗口不处于活动状态 | Waits for a window to be not active using its handle. | OK | 1 | |