HitBTC node.js client
hitbtc-js is a node wrapper for the HitBTC REST API found here
require hitbtc-js to begin with:
var HitBTC = require('hitbtc-js');
create an instance
var client = new HitBTC('your_api_key', 'your_api_secret', 'sandbox');
Make a request
client.ticker('BTCEUR', console.log); // prints the ticker for the BTC_EUR currency pair
client.newOrder('11111112', 'BTCUSD', 'buy', '0.1', '100', 'limit', 'GTC', console.log); // adds a buy order
For all response JSON formats, see the github documentation
HitBTC (API_Key, API_Secret, API_Type)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ API_Key | String | Find it by making a new API key pair in account settings API_Secret | String | Find it by making a new API key pair in account settings API_Type | String | 'live' or 'sandbox'. When testing, you may want to use the sandbox setting but do note that some routes are not supported in sandbox
Supported Currency Pairs
Currency Pair | -------------- | BTCUSD | BTCEUR | LTCBTC | LTCUSD | LTCEUR | EURUSD | DOGEBTC | XMRBTC |
Public API
(-) time (callback)
Status: Implemented
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) symbols (callback)
Status: Implemented
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) ticker (pair, callback)
Status: Implemented
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ pair | String | The currency pair that you want the ticker on. See supported currency pairs callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) orderbook (symbol, callback)
Status: Implemented
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ pair | String | The currency pair that you want the order book for. See supported currency pairs callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) trades
Status: Not Implemented
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
Trading API
(-) tradingBalance (callback)
Status: Working in Live
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) activeOrders (pairs, callback)
Status: Working in Live
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ pairs | String | Comma separated currency pairs. See supported currency pairs callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) newOrder (clientOrderId, pair, side, price, quantity, type, timeInForce, callback)
Status: Working in Live
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description
-------------- | -------------- | ------------------
clientOrderId | String | A 8 to 30 numeric string that will be used as the order's ID
pair | String | The currency pair that you want to trade on See supported currency pairs
side | String | buy
or sell
price | Decimal | Price that you want the trade to activate
quantity | Integer | Amount of lots to trade
type | String | Only limit
orders are currently supported
timeInForce | String | GTC
- Good-Till-CancelledIOC
- Immediate-Or-CancelFOK
- Fill-Or-KillDAY
- day orders
callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) cancelOrder (clientOrderId, cancelRequestClientOrderId, pair, side, callback)
Status: Not Implemented
(-) trades (by, start_index, max_results, symbols, sort, from, till, callback)
Status: Not Implemented
(-) recentOrders (start_index, max_results, symbols, statuses, callback)
Status: Not Implemented
Payment API
(-) paymentBalance (callback)
Status: Works in Live
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description -------------- | -------------- | ------------------ callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) transferToTrading (amount, currency_code, callback)
Status: Not Implemented
(-) transferToMain (amount, currency_code, callback)
Status: Not Implemented
(-) getPaymentAddress (currency_code, callback)
Status: Works in Live
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description
-------------- | -------------- | ------------------
currency_code | String | Valid supported currency code. e.g. BTC
callback | Function | A callback function that will be passed the result of API call
(-) createPaymentAddress (currency_code, callback)
Status: Not Implemented
(-) payout (amount, currency_code, address)
Status: Not Implemented
(-) transactions (offset, limit, dir)
Status: Not Implemented