Get Hillbrook School calendar events from Alexa
Hillbrook School calendar via Alexa
Alexa tells you what's happening at school from the Hillbrook School calendar (ical feed).
"Alexa, launch Hillbrook bear"
Today is B as in beetle day.
"Alexa, ask Hillbrook bear about tomorrow"
Tomorrow is C as in chinchilla day. Art Show Opening is at 3:30PM.
"Alexa, what's happening Friday with Hillbrook bear"
Friday is E as in earwig day. It's free dress day.
Alexa can also tell you about grade-specific events, such as library.=
"Alexa, ask Hillbrook bear about second grade"
Tomorrow is C as in cat day. Art Show Opening is at 3:30PM.
Pack your swim gear. Teslas, bring your library books back.
Once you request a grade, it'll be saved until you remove it.
"Alexa, tell Hillbrook bear to drop second grade"
OK, I'll won't tell you about grade events.
Built with alexa-app and Alexa command-line (alcl). Uses ical for parsing Hillbrook's public calendar and moment for date magic. Hosted on AWS Lambda, with grade-specific events in an JSON document on S3 and user data in DynamoDB.
exports an alexa-app
var app = new alexa.app('hillbrook-calendar');
and defines a mock database:
app.db = require('./db/mock-db');
run alexa-app-server
go to http://localhost:8080/alexa/hillbrook-calendar to send requests
The AWS Lambda function handler is set to lambda.handler
exports the lambda setup handler:
exports.handler = app.lambda();
and defines a DynamoDB using dynasty:
app.db = require('db/dynasty-db');
push to AWS
alcl push
test launch intent
alcl test
test add intent
alcl test -f aws/add.json
with request data in aws/add.json