Extract indices of high/low points in a 1D array with a moving window
Extract indices of high/low points in a 1D array with a moving window
Experimental, use at your own risk
npm i highs-and-lows
var hl = require('highs-and-lows');
var prices = [0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,4,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5]
var windowSize = 5;
var doFilterRuns = true; //remove runs -- keep the highest highs and lowest lows in each run
//highsAndLows(values, numRowsToLook = 30, doFilterRuns= true, doEnhance=false, candleMode=false)
var doEnhance = true; //if true, add extra value at the end indicating "higher/lower/equal high", etc
var candleMode = false; //if true, assume it's a list of ohlcv candles like [{open high low close volume},...] and use the high/low values for the high/low calculations
var res = hl.highsAndLows(prices, windowSize, doFilterRuns, doEnhance, candleMode);
// format [
// [ index, high|low, (higher|lower|equal)? high|low ],
// ...]
// [ 5, 'high', 'high' ], //first high+low is not marked as lower/higher/equal
// [ 10, 'low', 'low' ],
// [ 14, 'high', 'lower high' ],
// [ 20, 'low', 'equal low' ],
// [ 25, 'high', 'higher high' ]
var bidAskSpread = 0.01; //1% spread
var profits = hl.buySellProfitsForWindowSize(prices, windowSize, bidAskSpread);
// profit: 8.955,
// totalGains: 9,
// totalLosses: 0,
// maxMoney: 8.955,
// minMoney: 0,
// minMoneyAfterSell: 3.98,
// riskReward: Infinity
//get highs and lows for window size, then
// [with "buys" at lows and "sells" at highs],
// calculate "profit" for the given series of prices
// -buys first low "for free" then sells first high
// -always filters out runs
// -always starts with buy and ends with sell
// -discards start/end indices otherwise
// -bidAskSpread is expressed as fraction of price, 0...1
// -buys get prices increased by spread/2, sells get price decreased by spread/2
//.buySellProfitsForWindowSize(prices, windowSize, bidAskSpread=0)
//like above but takes raw list of buys/sells produced by buysAndSells function
//get candle-by-candle "score" for if this candle is a local high or low [high/low oracle indicator for training etc], candle format [time, o, h, l, c, v]
//.calculateBuySellMaskOracleIndicator(candles, windowSize, doNormalize=true) //doNormalize reduces everything to 0...1 where 1 corresponds to windowSize
// // suppose the "buy" indices are [1,3] and the "sells" are [0,1]
// {
// buyMask, //[0,1,0,1,0]
// sellMask, //[1,1,0,0,0]
// buyMaskDistToNextOne, //[1,0,1,windowSize].map(r=>r/windowSize)
// sellMaskDistToNextOne //[0,0,windowSize,windowSize,windowSize].map(r=>r/windowSize)
// }