A pull request and gitflow management tool
A tool to improve git workflows via cli. Provides pull request management when the repo is hosted on bitbucket.
npm install -g hiflow
hi config
Run this to setup access to the bitbucket API so you can access your repositories for pull request maintenance.
hi pr
requires bitbucket hosting
Hiflow gives you access to your pull requests and gives you options to checkout the branch for the pull request, approve, merge, or decline the pull request.
hi pr --status
requires bitbucket hosting
The status flag prints out an an overview of all pull requests available on the repository.
hi pr --create
requires bitbucket hosting
Create a new pull request with the create flag. Creates a new pull request from the branch you are on with options on where to merge to, title, description, and reviewers.
Be sure to configure your bitbucket default reviewers to get the full experience
hi checkout
Hiflow checkout wants help you with your branch naming. Current branch options are feature, improvement, fix, hotfix, and release.
hi commit [--smart] ["commit message"]
Hiflow commit helps to prefix and format your commit messages. Currently the
formatting prefixes your commit with the branch name. If your branch name is
, and message is add commit description
, the output will be:
fix/readme: add commit description
# will prompt you for the commit message
hi commit
# bypasses the prompt and uses the supplied message
hi commit "my commit message"
Do you want to track time using bitbucket's smart commits? You easily do that
with the --smart
# will prompt you for the commit message and smart commit options
hi commit --smart
# bypasses message prompt and will continue with smart commit options
hi commit --smart "good commit message"