Stub couchdb calls that match the hide-a-bed api
A simple way to abstract couchdb, and make your interface to the database testable.
There are two packages, one for runtime that contains the real implementations and schema, and the other contains the stubs for tests.
npm i hide-a-bed --save
npm i hide-a-bed-stub --save-dev
Code that uses some example db apis
export function doStuff (config, services, id) {
const doc = await services.db.get(config, id)
const apiResult = services.callSomeApi(config, doc.userName)
const query = {
startkey: apiResult.startTime,
endkey: apiResult.endTime
const queryResults = await db.query(config, '_design/userThings/_view/byTime', query)
return queryResults.rows
Using doStuff, in a real env, connecting to a real couch
import db from 'hide-a-bed'
import { doStuff } from './doStuff'
import { callSomeApi } from './api'
// the config object needs a couch url
const config = { couch: 'http://localhost:5984/mydb' }
// build up a service api for all your external calls that can be mocked/stubbed
const services = { db, callSomeApi }
const afterStuff = await doStuff(config, services, 'happy-doc-id')
Mocking out the calls in a test, never connects to the network
import { setup } from 'hide-a-bed-stub' // different package, since installed with --save-dev reduces space
import { doStuff } from './doStuff'
import { callSomeApiMock } from './test/mock/api'
// the config object needs a couch url, prove to yourself that its mocked with a fakeurl
const config = { couch: 'http://fakeurl:5984/mydb' }
// we import or design docs that we will need for the db
import userThingsDesignDoc from './ddocs/userThingsDDoc.js'
test('doStuff works in stub mode', async t => {
// we have to setup the db with the design docs that are required
const db = await setup([userThingsDesignDoc])
// build up a service api with all your fake endpoints
const services = { db, callSomeApi: callSomeApiMock }
const afterStuff = await doStuff(config, services, 'happy-doc-id')
Below are all the couch apis available