Flux architecture for React app. Fast and easy to use
Flux architecture for React app. Fast and easy to use.
Hez requires React hooks, so you must install react 16.7+ and react-dom 16.7+ packages
- No reducer
- No action creator
- Simple and reusable action logic
- Easy to write unit-test
Hez in action
- Compare to Redux https://codesandbox.io/s/53l6y55kmk
Counter app
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { createStore, useStore, useActions } from "./hez";
const initialState = {
count: 0
const store = createStore(initialState);
const Up = (state, value) => state.set({ count: state.count + value });
const Down = (state, value) => state.set({ count: state.count - value });
const AddTen = state => Up(state, 10);
const App = () => {
const count = useStore(store, state => state.count);
const [up, down, addTen] = useActions(store, Up, Down, AddTen);
return (
<button onClick={() => up(1)}>Up</button>
<button onClick={() => down(1)}>Down</button>
<button onClick={() => addTen()}>Add 10</button>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("hez-app");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Create a store
import { createStore } from "hez";
const store = createStore({
todos: []
Define an action
const AddTodo = (state, text) =>
state.set({ ...state.get(), todos: state.todos.concat({ text }) });
Dispatch an action
import { useActions } from "hez";
const AddTodoForm = () => {
const [addTodo] = useActions(store, AddTodo);
function handleClick() {
addTodo("new todo");
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Add Todo</button>;
Access state values
import { useStore } from "hez";
const TodoCount = () => {
const count = useStore(store, state => state.todos.length);
return <div>{count}</div>;
Async actions
const SaveTodos = state => {
return axios({ url: "save.todo.api", data: state.todos }).then(
() => alert("succeeded"),
() => alert("failed")
Reuse action logic
const AddOne = state => state.set({ value: state.value + 1 });
const AddTwo = state => {
Using state.set
const state = createState({ count: 0 });
state.set({ count: 1 }); // => 1
state.set("count", x => x + 1); // => 2
// state.set(prevState => nextState);
Using state.merge
const store = createStore({
value1: 1,
value2: 2
const Add1 = state =>
value1: state.value1 + 1
// using merge will reduce your code
const Add2 = state =>
value2: state.value2 + 1
// state.merge(prevState => nextState);
Using immhelper to update state
import update from "immhelper";
import { createState } from "hez";
const state = createState({ value1: 1, value2: 2, todos: [] });
update(state, {
value1: ["set", 2],
value2: ["set", 3],
todos: ["push", "New Todo"]
// shorthand
value1: ["set", 2],
value2: ["set", 3],
todos: ["push", "New Todo"]
Printing state
import { createState } from "hez";
const state = createState({ count: 1 });
console.log(state); // => [[Proxy]]
console.log(state.get()); // => { count: 1 }
Access state props
import { createState } from "hez";
const state = createState({ count: 1 });
const { count } = state;
const count2 = state.count;
const count3 = state.get("count");
const count4 = state.get(x => x.count);
Dispatching action and handling state change
import { createStore } from "hez";
const store = createStore({ count: 0 });
const Up = (state, value = 1) => state.set("count", x => x + value);
// handle change
store.subscribe((state, e) => {
console.log(state, e.action);
store.dispatch(Up); // => { count: 1 }, Up
store.dispatch(Up, 2); // => { count: 3 }, Up
Using useStore(store, selector, ...cacheKeys)
import React from "react";
import { createStore, useStore, withState } from "hez";
const store = createStore({
todos: {
1: "Item 1",
2: "Item 2"
const TodoItem = ({ id }) => {
// component will re-render once state changed or received new id prop
const text = useStore(store, state => state.todos[id], id);
return <div>{text}</div>;
const TodoHoc = withState(
(state, props) => ({
text: state.todos[props.id]
// cache key factory (optional) should return array
props => [props.id]
const TodoItem = TodoHoc(props => <div>{props.text}</div>);
Using useStoreMemo(store, cacheKeysSelector, stateSelector, ...extraCacheKeys)
import React from "react";
import { createStore } from "hez";
const store = createStore({
ids: [1, 2],
todos: {
1: { text: "Item 1" },
2: { text: "Item 2" }
// selector
const selectIds = state => state.ids;
const selectTodos = state => state.todos;
const selectTodoList = (ids, todos) => ids.map(id => ({ id, ...todos[id] }));
const TodoList = () => {
const todos = useStoreMemo(store, [selectIds, selectTodos], selectTodoList);
return <div>{JSON.stringify(todos)}</div>;
Using withActions
import React from "react";
import { withActions } from "hez";
const Up = () => {};
const Down = () => {};
const Counter = withActions(store, {
up: Up,
down: Down
})(({ up, down }) => (
<button onClick={up}>Up</button>
<button onClick={down}>Down</button>
Using Provider to pass down store to component tree
As many frameworks, hez also supports Provider to passing down store
import React from "react";
import { Provider, createStore, useStore } from "hez";
const store = createStore();
const Counter = () => {
// dont need to call useStore(store, state => state.count);
const count = useStore(state => state.count);
return <div>{count}</div>;
const App = () => (
<Provider store={store}>
<Counter />
State props injection
You can inject state utilize method by using store.inject
Using immhelper for updating state
import update from "immhelper";
const store = createStore({ todos: [] });
update(state, ...args) {
const { getState, setState, mergeState } = state;
setState(update(getState(), ...args));
const AddTodo = (state, text) => {
todos: ["push", text]
Using immer for updating state
import produce from "immer";
const store = createStore({ todos: [] });
update(state, modifier) {
const { getState, setState, mergeState } = state;
setState(produce(getState(), modifier));
const AddTodo = (state, text) => {
state.update(draft => {
Listen another action dispatching
We can add listener which will be called when specified action dispatched. Use to clean up something
const Login = state => {
const Logout = state => {};
const LoadProfile = state => {
profile: {}
state.on(Logout, CleanProfile);
const LoadSettings = state => {
settings: {}
state.on(Logout, CleanSettings);
const CleanProfile = state => {
profile: undefined
const CleanSettings = state => {
settings: undefined
Using reducer to update state
const state = createState({
todos: []
const AddTodo1 = (state, text) => {
todos: prev => [...prev, text]
const AddTodo2 = (state, text) => {
todos: TodoReducers
type: "add",
payload: text
const TodoReducers = (state, action) => {
if (action.type === "add") {
return [...state, action.payload];
return state;
Unit Test
import { createState } from "hez";
const Add = ({ count, set }) => set({ count: count + 1 });
test("should increase count value by 1", () => {
const state = createState({ count: 0 });