Using Kroki to generate diagram for hexo
Using Kroki.io to generate diagrams for hexo
- Generate raw/base64/urlencoded svg at compile time, themes are also supported, no external css and js required.
- Support free kroki.io and self-managed service.
How Does it work
First find diagram types quote with ```<type> eg
your diagram
The plugin will parse the tag and send the diagram content to kroki.io. Finally, the generated images will be returned.
npm install --save hexo-filter-kroki
Minimum configuration
By default, no configuration is required, the plugin will send your text to kroki.io
for rendering, and the base64-encoded images will be inlined in the html.
Advanced configuration
Please keep in mind, if you want more about privacy/safety, please replace with your own self-managed render server.
# the kroki free service server, you may switch to your self-hosted sever.
server: "https://kroki.io/"
# Available values
# "inline": <svg>xxx<svg/>
# "inlineUrlEncode": <img src='data:image/svg+xml;>
# "inlineBase64": <img src='data:image/svg+xml;base64>
# "localLink": <img src="/assert/puml/xxxx.svg">
# "externalLink": <img src="https://kroki.io/plantuml/svg/xxx">
link: "inline"
# common options: svg/png
outputFormat: "svg"
# the generated img will have a default class name.
className: 'kroki'
# append some fragment per diagram, used for the theme or else config
- diagram: plantuml
after: 1
# see https://plantuml.com/en/theme
fragment: '!theme sketchy-outline'
- diagram: mermaid
after: 0
# see https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/theming
fragment: "%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#ff0000'}}}%%"
How to use it?
eg for actdiag
Input the following text
actdiag {
write -> convert -> image
lane user {
label = "User"
write [label = "Writing text"];
image [label = "Get diagram image"];
lane Kroki {
convert [label = "Convert text to image"];
and will get
eg for wavedrom
Input the following text
{ signal: [
{ name: "clk", wave: "p.....|..." },
{ name: "Data", wave: "x.345x|=.x", data: ["head", "body", "tail", "data"] },
{ name: "Request", wave: "0.1..0|1.0" },
{ name: "Acknowledge", wave: "1.....|01." }
and will get
See supported types from api
- https://kroki.io/health
See more diagram examples at
- https://kroki.io/examples.html