Convert HEX/HEXa/aHEX with alpha to RGBa and back
HEX with alpha to RGBA
Convert HEX to RGBA and back
npm install --save hex-and-rgba
Usage Node/CommonJS
var rgbaToHex = require('hex-and-rgba').rgbaToHex;
var rgbaToAHex = require('hex-and-rgba').rgbaToAHex;
var hexToRgba = require('hex-and-rgba').hexToRgba;
var aHexToRgba = require('hex-and-rgba').aHexToRgba;
var isValidHex = require('hex-and-rgba').isValidHex;
var isValidRgba = require('hex-and-rgba').isValidRgba;
var hex = rgbaToHex(27, 43, 52, 0.8); // '#1b2b34cc'
var rgba = hexToRgba('#1B2B34cc'); // [ 27, 43, 52, 0.8 ]
var rbaStr = 'c: ' + hexToRgba('#1B2B34cc'); // 'c: rgba(27,43,52,0.8)'
var rbaStr = hexToRgba('#1B2B34cc').toString(); // 'rgba(27,43,52,0.8)'
var rbaStr = aHexToRgba('#cc1B2B34').toString(); // 'rgba(27,43,52,0.8)'
var isHex = isValidHex('#1B2B34cc'); // true
var isRgba = isValidRgba(27, 43, 52, 0.8); // true
Vanilla usage in browser
<script src="/vendor/hex-and-rgba/index.js"></script>
var rgbaToHex = hexAndRgba.rgbaToHex;
var hex = rgbaToHex(27, 43, 52, 0.8); // '#1b2b34cc'
Vanilla ES6 usage in browser
bind module name with an url.
(you may use v1.4.2: https://rawcdn.githack.com/BananaAcid/hex-and-rgba/38f4dd9bb55d5eb911332c2c3c16d667afc24b15/index.js
Info: index.js is 6kb, with gzip/brotli it is 1kb - you want your server to compress the files on transfer.
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"hex-and-rgba": "/vendor/hex-and-rgba/esm/index.mjs"
<script type="module">
// single functions extraction
import { hexToRgba, isValidRgba } from "hex-and-rgba";
// array deconstruction:
const [red,green,blue, alpha] = hexToRgba('#1B2B34cc');
ES6 + ESM, usage native ES6 module (Node, Babel)
// single functions import
import {hexToRgba, isValidRgba} from 'hex-and-rgba/esm';
// array deconstruction:
const [red,green,blue, alpha] = hexToRgba('#1B2B34cc');
// in template string usage
let info = `css rgba color value: ${hexToRgba('#1B2B34cc')}`;
// will output 'css rgba color value: rgba(27,43,52,0.8)'
// array from somewhere else
const hexArr = [17, 187, 34, 1.0];
// any params based method accepts arrays that way
let hex = isValidRgba( ...hexArr );
AMD/CommonJS support by Babel, ...
import {hexToRgba, isValidRgba} from 'hex-and-rgba';
// ... rest like previous example
rgbaToHex(...):string|false, rgbaToHex(array):string|false
rgbaToAHex(...):string|false, rgbaToAHex(array):string|false
hexToRgba(string):array|false, hexToRgba(string).toString() -> cssString
aHexToRgba(string):array|false, aHexToRgba(string).toString() -> cssString
rgbaToArray(cssString):array|false, rgbaToArray(cssString).toString() -> cssString
represents the following params ->r:int(255),g:int(255),b:int(255),opacity:float(1.0)
represents argba(int, int, int, float)
See examples below for usage.
- alpha is an optional argument on both functions, and if not supplied it will only be returned for hexToRgba() [and as 100%] as it is not required for a hex code (these are always 100% without an aplha value)
- hex codes will always be in lowercase
- check out the tests file for examples - it has the expected results appended
- hexToRgba will output an
string if accessed as string and will the alpha value will always have 1 decimal (0 -> 0.0, 1 -> 1.0) - aHexToRgba(), rgbaToAHex(): for aHEX (ARGB, AARRGGBB) used on Android, the alpha value is first instead of last.
Hex formats
accepted hex code -> understood hex color code + alpha as hex
'#123' -> #112233
'#1234' -> #112233 + 44 (same as chrome handles it, v1.1.0)
'#123456' -> #123456
'#12345678' -> #123456 + 78
rgbaToHex(27, 43, 52) == '#1B2B34'
rgbaToHex(27, 43, 52, 1) == '#1B2B34ff'
rgbaToHex(27, 43, 52, 0.8) == '#1B2B34cc'
rgbaToHex(27, '++', 52, 0.8) == false // wrong type at idx 1
rgbaToHex(27, 43, 52, 0.8, 11) == false // too many params
rgbaToAHex(27, 43, 52) == '#1B2B34'
rgbaToAHex(27, 43, 52, 1) == '#ff1B2B34'
rgbaToAHex(27, 43, 52, 0.8) == '#cc1B2B34'
rgbaToAHex(27, '++', 52, 0.8) == false // wrong type at idx 1
rgbaToAHex(27, 43, 52, 0.8, 11) == false // too many params
hexToRgba('#1B2') == [17, 187, 34, 1.0]
hexToRgba('#1B2c') == [17, 187, 34, 0.8]
hexToRgba('#1B2B34') == [27, 43, 52, 1.0]
hexToRgba('#1B2B34cc') == [27, 43, 52, 0.8]
hexToRgba('#1B2+') == false // not allowed chars
aHexToRgba('#1B2') == [17, 187, 34, 1.0]
aHexToRgba('#c1B2') == [17, 187, 34, 0.8]
aHexToRgba('#1B2B34') == [27, 43, 52, 1.0]
aHexToRgba('#cc1B2B34') == [27, 43, 52, 0.8]
aHexToRgba('#+1B2') == false // not allowed chars
isValidHex('#1B2B34cc') == true
isValidHex('#cc1B2B34') == true
isValidHex('#1B2+-<.#') == false // not allowed chars
isValidRgba(27, 43, 52, 0.8) == true
isValidRgba(27, 43, 52, 0.8, 11) == false // too many params
hexToRgba('#1B2') + '' == 'rgba(17,187,34,1.0)'
hexToRgba('#1B2c') + '' == 'rgba(17,187,34,0.8)'
hexToRgba('#1B2c').toString() == 'rgba(17,187,34,0.8)'
rgbaToHex([17, 187, 34, 1.0]) == '#11BB22' // using an array as an argument
rgbaToAHex([17, 187, 34, 1.0]) == '#11BB22' // using an array as an argument
rgbaToArray('rgba(255,55, 255, 1.0);') == [255, 55, 255, 1.0] // getting an array from RGBA css string (semicolon is ignored)
rgbaToArray('abc 255, 55, 255, 1.0').toString() == 'rgba(255,55,255,1.0)' // use it to clean up a string
rgbaToArray('rgba( 255 55 255 / 50%)') == [255, 55, 255, 0.5] // support new syntax
rgbaToArray('rgba( 100% 0% 100% / 50%)') == [255, 0, 255, 0.5] // support new syntax
Commandline usage (Bash, Windows)
hex-and-rgba [-srha] <value>
(bridge to rgbatohex
, hextorgba
and ahextorgba
# without package installation, only node must be installed, but the specific conversion commands will not be available
$ npx hex-and-rgba -r "rgba(....)"
# or
$ npm i hex-and-rgba -g
$ hex-and-rgba -r "rgba(....)"
$ hex-and-rgba -h "#1B2B34cc"
$ hex-and-rgba -h -s "#1B2B34cc"
$ hex-and-rgba -a "#cc1B2B34cc"
$ hex-and-rgba -a -s "#cc1B2B34"
params for the conversion type
-h hex to rgba
-ah ahex to rgba
-r rgba to hex
-ra rgba to ahex
params for the output formatting
-s out as css rgba string (for hex* commands only)
-t out as tab seperated rgba parts (for hex* commands only)
-n out as newline seperated rgba parts (for hex* commands only)
-i use pipe in content
rgbatohex <rgba>
$ npm i hex-and-rgba -g
$ rgbatohex "rgba(....)"
$ rgbatohex 123,123,123,1.0
$ rgbatohex 123 123 123 1.0
rgbatoahex <rgba>
$ npm i hex-and-rgba -g
$ rgbatoahex "rgba(....)"
$ rgbatoahex 123,123,123,1.0
$ rgbatoahex 123 123 123 1.0
hextorgba [-s] <hex>
$ npm i hex-and-rgba -g
$ hextorgba "#1B2B34cc"
$ hextorgba 1B2B34cc
$ hextorgba 1B 2B 34 cc
default out: [ 123, 123, 123, 0.8 ]
with -s
as css rgba: rgba(123,123,123,0.8)
ahextorgba [-s] <ahex>
$ npm i hex-and-rgba -g
$ ahextorgba "#cc1B2B34"
$ ahextorgba cc1B2B34
$ ahextorgba cc 1B 2B 34
default out: [ 123, 123, 123, 0.8 ]
with -s
as css rgba: rgba(123,123,123,0.8)
2.0.0 - 17 May 2022 added ES6 module added new css rgba syntax to be parsed with rgbaToArray
1.4.2 - 19 Apr 2022 changed readme (added browser modules info, some infos added)
1.4.2 - 18 Nov 2021 changed readme (added Methods section)
1.4.2 - 03 Nov 2019 bumped version changed readme
1.4.1 - 03 Nov 2019 added rgbaToAHex() changed apha float to be a max of 3 digits after 0 added -t param to commandline to output as tab seperated rgba removed commandline color commands for piping changed to properly use stderr added -i param to commandline to use piped in content changed min requirement to node 7.6 (for command line scripts, include still requires 0.11.16)
1.4.0 - 03 Nov 2019 added aHex added (Android style HEX) added aHex commandline script
1.3.3 - 13 Jan 2019 added commandline scripts
1.3.2 - 21 Nov 2018 added rgbaToHex to use an array with RGBA as param added rgbaToArray to parse an css rgba string changed functions not refering to this, so using the functions from a variable would work without bind (easier on browser)
1.3.1 - 30 Jul 2018 added explanations to Readme.md
1.3.0 - 30 Jul 2018 added AMD, CommonJS, Browser module support, ESM/MJS support, added hexToRgba to convert to string as 'rgba(r,g,b,a)' when accessed as string
1.2.0 - 19 Mar 2017 added isValidHex() and isValidRgba(), added JSdoc comments for code completion supporting editors, added validation to RgbaToHex()
1.1.0 - 27 Aug 2016 added support for #1234 parsing, extended readme, bugfix for 3 digit codes, added tests
1.0.0 - 26 Aug 2015 initial