Some functions that made some things.
I made this module to help me to make some functions in my projects but you can use it if you want.
NOTE: Since version v2.0.0 I deleted all the previous functions an added new of them, so, if you're looking for a function that was in a previous version, it won't be in this one, sorry.
npm i helpscript
Import the function that you need and use it, see down below what functions are available.
const {someFunction} = require('helpscript')
// Or if your project uses import-export:
// import { someFunction } from 'helpscript'
Returns true if one or more of the given strings is an empty string (''), useful in required forms that are validated by JavaScript.
const { areEmptyStrings } = require('helpscript')
if(areEmptyStrings(email, password, confirmPassword)){
// Now you know this aren't empty strings
makeSomething(email, password, confirmPassword)
Note: This function DOESN'T clean the values, so, if you pass a value like ' ', this won't be valued as empty string, if you want to make this, consider using:
const { clean, areEmptyStrings } = require('helpscript')
areEmptyStrings(...[email, password, confirmPassword].map(clean))
Returns true if one or more of the given values is falsy.
Falsy Values: 0, 0n, null, undefined, false, NaN or '' (empty string).
Returns true if one or more of the given values is null or undefined.
Cleans a string, triming it, lowercasing it ans normalizing it, useful to make searchs when you want to match for example "El Día Del Niño" with "el dia del nino".
const { clean } = require('helpscript')
clean('searCH From ínPut ') // 'search from input'
Clean makes 3 things, trims the text, lowercases, and normalizes, if you dont want to make some of this, use the second parameter options.
clean(' My String', {lowercase:false}) // 'My String'
Gets the minimum number that makes a difference in the value
For example, if you add 3 + 1e-20 is still 3, but 3 + 1e-15 makes a difference but 100 + 1e-15 is still 100, and you need 1e-14 to make a difference.
When the value goes up, it also does the dx.
Normalizes a number between a given range and a condition
- '()' excludes both numbers in the range.
- '(]' excludes minimum and includes maximum.
- '[)' includes minimum and excludes maximum.
- '[]' includes both numbers in the range.
const { normalize } = require('helpscript')
// Example, normalizing a grade
normalize(11.3, [5, 10], '[]') // 10
Gets the date and milisecond of this moment (in UTC).
const { now } = require('helpscript')
const person = {
name: 'John',
lastname: 'Doe',
created: now().time // The miliseconds are used
console.log('Now date is:', now().date) // The Date object is used
Returns an array of numbers by the given values (works like the range python function)
const { range } = require('helpscript')
range(5) // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
range(1, 6) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
range(10, 20, 2) // [10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
An useful use can be for example if you want to make something n times and you are very lazy to make a for-loop.
const { range } = require('helpscript')
range(1, n + 1).forEach(value => {
console.log('Hello', value)