Template helper for formatting dates with moment.js. Works with Handlebars, Lo-Dash or any template engine that supports helper functions.
Template helper for formatting dates with moment.js. Works with Handlebars, Lo-Dash or any template engine that supports helper functions.
Install globally with npm
$ npm install --global helper-moment
The main export is a function that can be called directly:
var moment = require('helper-moment');
//=> 'January 02, 2017'
With Handlebars:
{{moment "YYYY"}}
//=> 2017
Usage with assemble
(This example also works for verb, update, generate, or any other lib based on the templates library)
Register the helper for use with any template engine
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
app.helper('moment', require('helper-moment'));
app.task('default', function() {
Helper usage
Delimiters depend on the engine registered. For example, with Lo-Dash or Underscore templates:
<%= moment("YYYY") %>
//=> 2017
Or with Verb, which uses special delimiters to avoid delimiter collision when the documentation itself includes templates that should not render (like these docs):
{%= moment("YYYY") %}
//=> 2017
Usage with handlebars
To use the helper directly with handlebars:
var handlebars = require('handlebars');
handlebars.registerHelper('moment', require('helper-moment'));
Template examples:
{{moment date "YYYY"}}
{{moment date "MM"}}
{{moment date endOf="week" format="dddd, DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ"}}
{{moment date format="dddd"}}-{{moment date add=daysadd format="dddd"}}
{{moment date format="dddd, DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ"}}
{{moment date format="HH:mm:ss"}}
{{moment date isValid=true}}
{{moment date lang="fr" format="dddd, DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ"}}
{{moment date lang="fr" format="MMMM"}}
{{moment date startOf="month" format="dddd, DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ"}}
{{moment date subtract=fiveyearsago format="YYYY"}}-{{moment date format="YYYY"}}
{{moment date utc=null format="dddd, DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ"}}
{{moment format="MMMM YYYY"}}
{{moment daysInMonth=true}}
{{moment diff=date}}
{{moment endOf="week" fromNow=true}}
{{moment date format="HH:mm:ss"}}
{{moment from=date}}
{{moment unixtimestamp format="HH:mm:ss"}}
Usage with lodash or underscore
Use directly with Lo-Dash or underscore:
var moment = require('helper-moment');
// as a mixin
_.mixin({moment: moment});
_.template('<%= _.moment("YYYY") %>');
//=> '2017'
// or pass the helper on the context
_.template('<%= moment("YYYY") %>')({moment: moment});
//=> '2017'
To contribute a helper to the org, follow these steps:
1. Install the helper generator
Install generate and [generate-helper][]:
npm install --global generate generate-helper
2. Generate your project
To initialize the project, including documentation and unit tests, in the command line, run:
gen helper
3. Create a repo
Create a repo on GitHub under your own account.
4. Last, request a transfer
Create an issue to request a transfer to the helpers org.
Related projects
- handlebars-helper-moment: A helper to master time! Combining the powers of Assemble, Handlebars.js and Moment.js. This helper… more | homepage
- handlebars-helpers: More than 130 Handlebars helpers in ~20 categories. Helpers can be used with Assemble, Generate… more | homepage
- helper-date: Format dates with date.js and moment.js. Uses date.js to parse human readable date phrases, and… more | homepage
- helper-dateformat: Template helper for adding formatted dates using node-dateformat. Works with Handlebars, Lo-Dash, underscore, or any… more | homepage
- template-helpers: Generic JavaScript helpers that can be used with any template engine. Handlebars, Lo-Dash, Underscore, or… more | homepage
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
Please read the contributing guide for avice on opening issues, pull requests, and coding standards.
| Commits | Contributor | | --- | --- | | 3 | jonschlinkert | | 1 | anglepoised |
Building docs
(This document was generated by verb-generate-readme (a verb generator), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in
To generate the readme and API documentation with verb:
$ npm install -g verb verb-generate-readme && verb
Running tests
Install dev dependencies:
$ npm install -d && npm test
Jon Schlinkert
Copyright © 2017, Jon Schlinkert. Released under the MIT license.
This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.2.3, on January 02, 2017.