node.js library for interaction with the social network Heello
node.js library for interaction with the social network Heello.
MIT license
- methods
params:- (required)
appId: heello API application id. - (required)
appSecret: heello API application secret. - (required)
callbackURI: callback URI, same one used when registering heello application. <String>
protocol: specify "https" or "http" for the protocol to to use for API contact. provided for testing purposes only<String>
domain: the domain to use for API contact. provided for testing purposes only.<String>
userAgent: the useragent to use when contacting the API.<Array>
fingerprints: an array of certificate fingerprints to identify the Heello API with.<Boolean>
pinCerts: should certificate pinning be enforced? this will discard responses and throw errors when non-SSL responses or non-whitelisted fingerprints are provided from the server.
- (required)
state)- Synchronous
- Obtain the URI to redirect a user to in order to obtain authorization details from the heello API
state: optional session-identifying string. reference heello oauth2 authorization documentation for more informationreturn
URI to redirect user to for authentication with heello.
callback)- Obtain refresh, access tokens using authorization_code returned by heello
code: authorization_code obtained from heello API authentication<Callable>
callback: callback to invoke once token obtainment is complete
callback)- Obtain new refresh, access tokens using previously obtained refresh_token (only necessary if access_token is now invalid)
refreshToken: previously obtained refresh_token<Callable>
callback: callback to invoke once token obtainment is complete
- properties
- heelloAPI.rateLimitRemaining
: contains the number of API hits we have left before the API limit reset since the last API call. Value is-1
until first API call.
- heelloAPI.rateLimitMax
: contains the number of API hits allowed in total before the API limit reset. Value is-1
until first API call.
- heelloAPI.rateLimitReset
: Date object representing when the API limit will be reset. Value is null until first API call.
- heelloAPI.accessToken
: access token currently in use
- heelloAPI.refreshToken
: latest obtained refresh token
- magic properties
All magic properties are instances of heelloController.
- accounts
- categories
- checkins
- pings
- places
- timeline
- users
Each heelloController is automagically instantiated based on lib/schema.json
. For full specification, please check with the schema.json file.
- magic properties
All magic properties return an executable callback created by heelloAction. Reference heelloAction documentation for information on how to interact with heelloAction instances.
heelloController accounts:
heelloController categories:
heelloController checkins:
heelloController pings:
heelloController places:
heelloController timeline:
heelloController users:
Instances of heelloAction are special; instead of receiving the instance yourself, you'll receive its product, a callable, to feed your parameters into for your API call.
You'll call a heelloAction like so:
heello.controller.action(<Object> params, <Callable> callback)
Callbacks supplied to the heelloAction can take up to three parameters:
err: null if no error, or Error if an error occurred during API call.<Object>
json: JSON-parsed response from the API if provided, or null<Object>
res: response object from npm module superagent. inherits from node builtin http.ClientResponse.
A full example of a heelloAction call, assuming heello
is your heelloAPI instance, is as follows:
heello.pings.show({ id: 8188091 }, function(err, json, res) {
if(err) throw err
json.response // contains API response information
With this call, we're looking up details for a heello ping with the ID of 8188091
use example
var heelloAPI = require('heello'),
heello = new heelloAPI({
appId: 'heello appId here',
appSecret: 'heello appSecret here',
callbackURI: 'http://callback.tld/',
// @note; authentication needs to happen here - obtain your tokens as per heello docs
// get a user's latest pings
// (no auth)
heello.users.pings({ id: 1234567, count: 5 }, function(err, json, res) {
if(err) throw err
json.response.forEach(function(ping) {
console.log('@%s: %s [%d]', ping.user.username, ping.text, ping.id)
// echo a ping
// (needs auth)
heello.pings.echo({ id: 1234567 }, function(err) {
// @param <Error|null>err: null if no error, or Error if an error.
if(err) throw err
Under active development. Heello-interaction API mostly firm.
Initial obtainment of authorization_code
is up to $developer unfortunately; no solid methodology is present for obtaining an authorization_code with minimal user interaction.
If you need a refresh token for your application, however, please reference package heello-refreshtoken for a method of obtaining a refresh token fairly easily for testing.
- file upload support (media uploads!)
Install mocha with npm install -g mocha
Now, create a test.config.json
file - an example of the file is as follows:
Next, execute node node_modules/heello-refreshtoken/bin/gettoken -o ./test.refreshtoken.json
and enter in your appId, appSecret, callback URI, heello username, and heello password when prompted. Give it a moment to obtain the refresh token, then proceed with testing using mocha.
When creating a test application on Heello, use the redirect URI
as well to allow tests to run correctly.
The testing methodology is unforgiving, unfortunately, and must work within Heello's current API rules.
Community contributions welcome.