Watch and Compile hogan.js templates
Hedgehog - Watch and Compile hogan.js templates
Hedgehog is a node.js utility script that will watch a directory with raw hogan.js template files. It will listen for changes and compile the raw mustache templates into compiled vanilla js files.
The templates will be available in a global T namespace (this is
configurable), relative to the
filepath of the raw template file.
For instance: Let's say we create a template
and save it as ./templates/user/profile.mustache
<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
Now all you need to do is include the compiled templates along with the HoganTemplate (~700 bytes) lib.
<script src="HoganTemplate.js"></script>
<script src="templates/compiled/user/profile.js"></script>
var html = T['user/profile'].r({name: "Daniel"});
// html == "<h1>Daniel</h1>"
npm install hedgehog
to install it in your current working directory, or:
npm install hedgehog -g
to install it globally.
Tested on node 0.6.x
You can run the hedgehog as standalone utility or with your existing node app:
var Hedgehog = require('hedgehog');
var h = new Hedgehog();
Where do I put the raw template files?
By default hedgehog will look in a ./templates
Where are the compiled templates?
By default hedgehog will compile templates into a ./templates/compiled
You can configure hedgehog by passing an options object. For example:
new Hedh.watch({
'input_path': 'path/to/raw/templates',
namespace | default: 'window.T'
By default compiled templates will be accessible through the window.T object in the browser, you can set this to whatever you prefer.
input_path | default: './templates'
A path relative from where the script is called, that points to your raw .mustache templates.
output_path | default: './templates/compiled'
A path relative from where the script is called, that specifies where the the vanilla .js files should be compiled into.
extension | default: '.mustache'
Hogan.js compiles mustache templates, but you can use another file extension if you like.
In production mode
For a Rails project, I'd typically use Jammit to concatenate and minify the template files on deployment.
For a Express.js project I've tried connect-assets with great success. It's an asset pipeline for node.js/connect.js inspired by Rails 3.1