Health check anything, with this core functionality of monitoring health checks
Healthcheck monitor
Core functionality of monitoring healthcheck.
- Retries for failled check
- Timeout monitoring
- Healthy after X checks
- Unhealthy after Y checks
- Pause between failled checks
- Everything is super configurable - with resolved functions as options
- Fully unit tested
- TypeScript support
Simple to use
If you have any requests/issues please open an issue at Github.
//All fields with defaults
const {HealthCheckMonitor , STATUS} = require('healthcheck-monitor');
const healthCheckMonitor = new HealthCheckMonitor({
interval : 5000, //MS, Interval between definitive results
//BTW any field will be resovled if it's a function
//It gives you total control on the values at any time
//An example to a changin interval 1-3 seconds:
// interval : ()=>{return (Math.floor(Math.random()*3) + 1)*1000},
timeout : 5000, //MS, Time to wait till decided an action will be dicarded due to a timeout
startPeriod : 0, //MS, Time to ater start() called
retries : 1, //If service is unhealthy how many retry action to preform till definitive test result.
retryPauseTime : 0,//MS, how much time to wait between each retry
healthyAfter : 2, //How many consecutive healty action recorded before deciding the status is healty
unhealthyAfter : 1,//How many consecutive unhealty action recorded before deciding the status is unhealty
action : (testInfo , onResponse)=>{
//Synchronous / Asynchronous action
function statusCheckAction(testInfo , onResponse){
//Synchronous / Asynchronous action
//If success
//If error
//Simple to start
//You can wait for the first definitive status when starting
//You will also get that first status testResult
//You can pause the helthcheck at any time
//After pausing you can simply resume
//Or get notfied on the first definitive answer after resuming
//You will also get that first status testResult
//You can even invok a manual test
//You will also get that first status testResult
//Listen to events
healthCheckMonitor.on('statusChange' , (status)=>{
//For any change of status after
//waiting `healthyAfter` or `unhealthyAfter`
//will be called with the new status (enum STATUS)
healthCheckMonitor.on('testResult' , (testResult)=>{
//For every single check you will get an event with a `TestResult`
//You can also get information about the status at any time
healthCheckMonitor.isChanging //true, if it's currently transitioning to a different status
healthCheckMonitor.transitionStatus //enum STATUS, the status we are currently transitioning to.
How can it help
Health checking is known to be an important part of service integration, in addition it's an important part of any integration, even internal one. Some common use cases:
- Monitor an HTTP backend.
- Montior a Websocket backend.
- Monitor a file on the system.
- Monitor an IPC connection.
- Monitor a (node)cluster worker.
Because this gives you the core functinality of testing, you are left to decide only what is the action you are testing.