Run Mocha tests in a headless browser
Runs tests in a headless browser (Chrome-only via Puppeteer for now). Useful to test Web Components, polyfills, or anything else that needs real browser APIs.
Uses Mocha and provides the Chai assertion library.
Install headless-test
via your favourite package manager.
Command-Line or CI
Run and pass a number of files (including tests) which will be loaded in-order as ESM:
headless-test your-code.js your-tests.js
This will exit with non-zero if the Mocha tests fail. Easy!
Note that your-tests.js
should look like a totally normal Mocha test file:
// no imports required for Mocha or Chai, they'll be available globally
suite('check stuff', () => {
test('does a thing', async () => {
// ...
await 'foo';
assert(true, 'this passes');
You can also specifiy -b
to switch Mocha to BDD mode, or see --help
for other options.
This works by hosting a webserver in the current directory (with dhost) so you can load other dependencies.
CSS can also be included in the page for tests. For example:
headless-test your-code.js your-css.css your-tests.js
You can also use headless-test
The most common use case is to pass a URL (e.g., if you're already running a dev server) and specify load
to load specific resources as ESM into the test environment.
const headlessTest = require('headless-test');
const p = headlessTest('http://localhost:8080', {
load: ['your-code.js', 'your-tests.js'],
driver: {
// options passed to `mocha.setup`
ui: 'tdd',
p.then(() => /* something */);
Instead of passing a URL, you can also pass a http.Server
to read its URL (e.g., if you're running a dev server in the same process).
Virtual Resources
You can also specify virtual script files, if your tests aren't able to be found on your local web server.
They'll still be run in the same origin, but won't be able to import
each other.
For example:
const p = headlessTest('http://localhost:1234', {
load: [
{code: 'console.info("hello"); suite("tests", () => { /* stuff */ });'},
{code: testCode},
If you're not loading any real script files, it's valid to pass null
for the URL.
Don't use this for integration tests. You should be running Mocha locally for that, and having it start Puppeteer to click on things.
This package has a few direct dependencies, although those dependencies have a huge number of transitive dependencies. Here's the short list:
is the default test driverchai
provides an assertion library to your testspuppeteer
includes headless Chromium
Included for the CLI only:
provides a never-caching static web server for filesmri
parses command-line argumentschalk
to make things pretty, because it's included by transitive deps anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯